Anonymous1: youd be surprised how much trauma a body can take before croaking. as long as the vital organs arent destroyed, this could go on for minutes or hours
chaosyourgod: you could have toad punching you in the gut while Mario's eye reaping you with flood with peach shitting all over you and course bower doing that
Anonymous11: @anon7| if you're catholic and you actually believe it's a sin to be a homosexual, FUCK YOU!!! I'm a catholic homosexual and God has NOTHING against homosexuality!!! plus, if someone's homosexual, it's not their fault because 1. no-one can control their sexual-orientation, 2. we're all children, so we don't even know what we're doing anyway!!! GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING THICK SKULL ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Seriously, what does Leslee have against the koopalings?