Anonymous2: The furry of my dreams <3 too bad Miyu's porn is realy rare = ( you can count them on one hand She's got perfect boobs , perfect pussy fur, a cute face!
there are indeed a lot of hot ladies like... Renamon is hot , Krystal is hot , Sally is always naked ,Anonymous¹ is damn hawt , Pikachu is retarded , but Miyu just rules <3
Anonymous5: "Can someone explain to me how we know anything about Miyu as, to my knowlege, she was only in a game that never saw the light of day?"
We don't know much about her, but as it turns out, there are ROMs of beta-builds of Star Fox 2 (the only game to have Miyu and Fay in it) in various stages of completion avaliable on the Internet. One has even been translated into English by a group of fans, complete with the additions of their names to the end credits and various "loose thread" elements (such as various tests modes, framerate counter, etc.) that marked it as an incomplete beta release removed...
there are indeed a lot of hot ladies like... Renamon is hot , Krystal is hot , Sally is always naked ,Anonymous¹ is damn hawt , Pikachu is retarded , but Miyu just rules <3
Well, Anon 1 would be me.
Miyu was and still is one of those 'special furfags'. Probably because she's such a dude, and isn't some freakishly-colored strumpet like Krystal.
Remember everyone: Michael Jackson died because there's a lack of Miyu porn.
That said, I'd love to see more Miyu stuff.
We don't know much about her, but as it turns out, there are ROMs of beta-builds of Star Fox 2 (the only game to have Miyu and Fay in it) in various stages of completion avaliable on the Internet. One has even been translated into English by a group of fans, complete with the additions of their names to the end credits and various "loose thread" elements (such as various tests modes, framerate counter, etc.) that marked it as an incomplete beta release removed...
Sadly though, I'm not sure where to find it...
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And hey, people, Miyu and Fay are a couple. Sorry, guys.
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