Anonymous16: anon12 and anon13, it's possible that that's maul's blade. drunkmonkey, i'm about to out-nerd you.
in the Darth Bane trilogy, Bane's apprentice and successor as the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, Zannah, used a double-bladed saber, and it was she whose weapon the design for Darth Maul's blade was taken from.
You're welcome, nerddom.
Anonymous18: ok, i like ahsoka porn, but this is fucking atrocious. i lost my erection from seeing this. then i threw up on my computer, and now i need to clean my monitor
good night folks
Still, its vaguely fappable.
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and anon12 there are a lot of double sabers not just maul's
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in the Darth Bane trilogy, Bane's apprentice and successor as the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, Zannah, used a double-bladed saber, and it was she whose weapon the design for Darth Maul's blade was taken from.
You're welcome, nerddom.