El_Heffe: You know there's this art thing about Piper, Master Cyclonis,Princess Clara, and Foxxy Love getting it on: http://wwoecforum.com/showthread.php?t=4519
Anonymous7: cartoon network is run by monkeys as of late...i think they took toonami out of the programing and added that stupid CN real bullshit...why they put reality tv on a channel called "cartoon" network is beyond me...and don't get me started on how many shows they've started but never finished airing
Anonymous11: toonami was cut because the anime cost a fuck load of money and in 2008 the couldn't say as it was 5 year go get a job go back to school and read a book
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1) It's been cancelled?
2)I've got to say this is the first image of Storm Hawks on /34/ that is not gay.
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Otherwise, this is good, and I demand more.
Preferably a Fluffy pic with Piper and Master Cyclonis.
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Nerd Corps, the animation company behind the show, is hoping to start production on season three in the near future.
There have been 52 episodes so far, all of which are available on YouTube
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