Jack_Bandicoots_Ultimatum: Tracing in Rouge's head,Amy's too.Tikal's head looks original.Anatomy is weird,and tits are very similar...come on,T.C.,improve,you shitty bastard!
Bollockhead: Anon 3 pointed out the bad my Keyboard is working...the thing that you are laughing because of Anon3's typed bullshit makes me think you are Anon3 as well,I recommend you to STFU.
Anonymous4(3): Bollockhead, your nick says it all.
Don't you get it, Jack? You're getting all angry at The Creator because he TRACED CARTOON PORN for fucking sake! Don't you have better things to do than just getting all furious because a guy that basically means nothing traced something noone really cares about in the longer run? Seriously, is Furry Bomb such an important aspect in your life that you have to defend it's author? Did he ask you to defend his overpriced and overrated work in the first place?
It's ridiculous what you're doing. Some people like TC's work, so deal with it.
Anonymous5(3): It's anon3 here.
Think what you want Jack, at least it's not me who has 4 alternate accounts. I'll just wait until you raise another pathethic suspicion that warrior = Bomber64 just because he approved his comment.
In all honesty, it's not us who need to stfu, it's you. All you do is whining that TC traces, who gives a shit! Unlike you he can at least do the coloring pretty well.
Jack_Bandicoots_Ultimatum: I'm not whining about the tracing.THERE IS ANOTHER REASON,and that reason is making money from this shit.OUT OF JAPAN.Do we want to buy shit by him? Which is traced?
No,the guy is breaking the law,either he starts giving out scans for free or I will make sure SEGA Europe starts prosecution against him,so that all of you sadfucks start understanding what I'm REALLY doing and start lurking for real and wanking seriously.So Bomber64,Anon3/5,YOU can STFU.Furry Bomb isn't overrated.It's the best Sonic doujin out there,Palcomix's work sux ass in front of it.Overpriced? Not really,very few copies abound in the World,and they are worth every cent,not like this piece of shit.TC is a worse Amy fanboy than what KiO is,he's doing this shit for his personal gain by jerking off and cumming to an Amy plushie.I'm thinking of him tricking every one of you.It's just pathetic how YOU troll me because you don't know shit about this.I've been following TC's movements since the end of 2007,and since I got to give him infamy at FCHAN,I've got reasons for this comic to be released,and more evidence to put him behind bars.So if you don't like that then FUCK YOU ALL.It's what I'm doing,and If I'm here trolling,I've got my reasons.SEGA Europe won't just reply to a only person like me.I need back up.And every other place has pointless accounts from people that care about Uni,delayed school,or just commissions,COME ON! Discuss,and leave me alone,that I'm doing smarter things than having to jerk off with shit like this because of the coloring.You are judging books by their covers,and it's very dissappointing from you all.
Bomber64: Ha ha ha, oh boy this tread is full of so much . . . Something. I'll start form the top.
Okay seriously Bollockhead, you're that insecure that you get pissed because two people on the internet are amused by your typo, this is a definite "Oh noes moment"
Thanks Warrior, I don't have anything amusing for you, sorry. Have a pretty picture :) that's me.
Anon4, ha ha. Oh shit! Now people will think we are the same person.
Anon 5 err 3, WarriorBomber, hmmm I like it.
Jack, man calm down. Sure fighting for artistic license is good, but do you honestly think one case of furry porn is something to devote your life to? Since the end of `07? Seriously? You know what I've been doing since late 07? Attending college. I'm going to accelerated school, full sail look it up, and I'll be done in two months. I'm chasing my dream, I'll be in the entertainment industry towards the end of the year, so honestly what have you done with your life? Argued about furry porn on some websites. But hey, really don't listen to me, just keep doing what you're doing, because it really seems to be working.
Anonymous7(3): Wow, Jack, you sure gave him a lot of infamy on Fchan! So much, in fact, that they're still demanding scans of his newest comic, not to mention that his old one is still getting posted from time to time.
Continue your little crusade, though, Jack. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the news - "Kid gets a seizure in front of Sega Enterprises building." now that would be entertaining.
Anonymous8: >So much, in fact, that they're still demanding scans of his newest comic, not to mention that his old one is still getting posted from time to time.
I guess this is what Jack wants. Scan and post a comic you have to pay for. Nobody mentioned it, but it's not all about TC tracing and selling his illigal comics. Think more that way: A few people care enough to protect you and your money from supporting an thief rather an original artist. You can get better and less traced for 15$. Maybe someone will sacrifice his 15 bucks and share Amy untold finally with the masses. You do not pay for that shit, but can download it. Sounds like win to me. Stealing from an thief doesn't make you better, but at least TC will steal all your money. This here is the internet anyway.
Anonymous9: Jack_Bandicoot here(Dynamic IPs FTW)
Ok,first of all,I've been into Sonic Yiff since 2003,so that is first mistake.Second,Anon7,Anon8 already corrected you.The scans need to be spread on FCHAN.But there is another mistake.That hatred towards TC was from other FCHAN users,probably dead in the dark places of Internet,in other words,the users that are now asking for the comic scans are not the same people as in 2007/8.The old comic is posted from time to time,but it's benefitial for me as an evidence.Very probably that people that are going to see the new comic get discouraged by the old one.That and the tracing.15 bucks is some money,I live in Argentina and Dubai has same value for dollars when talking about exchange.The dollar is the most unstable currency nowadays,and even Obama can't do something to stabilize them.Let me be more clear,do you think that with all the crisis we are going through,a sonofabitch will go buy this traced comic for 20 bucks(15+6 shipping) when with that money you can get a used VG console and pass the time with something more interesting than having to jerk off with a comic and having to keep it away from cum moisture? Absolutely not,unless you are a big turd that can't think.Besides,posting the new comic is the best thing.I have SEGA Europe's contact mail address,but without solid evidence of what TC is doing(making money off Sonic ILLEGALLY) I can't do fuck.I need the comic to be complete at every corner of the Internet,and that is the moment in which I'm gonna make something,if SEGA listens,so that TC ends behind bars or with a big painintheass fine.
Anonymous11: Anon9: I never was on TC's website, but I believe it's evidence enough. There is an advertisment image from him telling about the price and shipping, too http://fchan.us/src/toon_1241619693639_toon_1238263993639.gif
Jack_Bandicoots_Attax: Anon11,that is useful.The thing is that image was from his old site.I'm gonna go look here and there for something more,but that image,as a start,is enough to incriminate TC.Thanks.
Anonymous17: @Anon16: Obviously, they shouldn't. However, that still doesn't stop them. My question is: If they are so good at drawing this type of stuff anyways, why wouldn't they just draw characters LIKE this but make it original; like making up a character?
Ross_Irving: I thought Paheal was better than this. Any artist who gets fanart stolen from them or has their art traced by someone else should never worry. They're not making money off it (and neither is the original artist), and people will eventually learn the original source. Yelling about it only causes confusion and the problem takes a longer time to work itself out. I won't name any names for who contributes to this...Jack.
Anonymous22: >Any artist who gets fanart stolen from them or has their art traced by someone else should never worry. They're not making money off it
Your logic fails here. The artist who made this picture sold it through a $20 expensive comic.
Luxiore: I wonder if Jack realizes that sneaking your way back into a site that has banned you is also illegal, as it is considered harassment. Surely not, as he is the defender of the law and would never do anything wrong.
Anonymous24: "the guy is breaking the law,either he starts giving out scans for free or I will make sure SEGA Europe starts prosecution against him"
"Furry Bomb isn't overrated.It's the best Sonic doujin out there"
Now I was hoping not to bring logic onto the internet, but even if Sega cared about hentai, isn't your precious "best Sonic doujin" also illegal?
- Reply
Don't you get it, Jack? You're getting all angry at The Creator because he TRACED CARTOON PORN for fucking sake! Don't you have better things to do than just getting all furious because a guy that basically means nothing traced something noone really cares about in the longer run? Seriously, is Furry Bomb such an important aspect in your life that you have to defend it's author? Did he ask you to defend his overpriced and overrated work in the first place?
It's ridiculous what you're doing. Some people like TC's work, so deal with it.
Think what you want Jack, at least it's not me who has 4 alternate accounts. I'll just wait until you raise another pathethic suspicion that warrior = Bomber64 just because he approved his comment.
In all honesty, it's not us who need to stfu, it's you. All you do is whining that TC traces, who gives a shit! Unlike you he can at least do the coloring pretty well.
No,the guy is breaking the law,either he starts giving out scans for free or I will make sure SEGA Europe starts prosecution against him,so that all of you sadfucks start understanding what I'm REALLY doing and start lurking for real and wanking seriously.So Bomber64,Anon3/5,YOU can STFU.Furry Bomb isn't overrated.It's the best Sonic doujin out there,Palcomix's work sux ass in front of it.Overpriced? Not really,very few copies abound in the World,and they are worth every cent,not like this piece of shit.TC is a worse Amy fanboy than what KiO is,he's doing this shit for his personal gain by jerking off and cumming to an Amy plushie.I'm thinking of him tricking every one of you.It's just pathetic how YOU troll me because you don't know shit about this.I've been following TC's movements since the end of 2007,and since I got to give him infamy at FCHAN,I've got reasons for this comic to be released,and more evidence to put him behind bars.So if you don't like that then FUCK YOU ALL.It's what I'm doing,and If I'm here trolling,I've got my reasons.SEGA Europe won't just reply to a only person like me.I need back up.And every other place has pointless accounts from people that care about Uni,delayed school,or just commissions,COME ON! Discuss,and leave me alone,that I'm doing smarter things than having to jerk off with shit like this because of the coloring.You are judging books by their covers,and it's very dissappointing from you all.
Okay seriously Bollockhead, you're that insecure that you get pissed because two people on the internet are amused by your typo, this is a definite "Oh noes moment"
Thanks Warrior, I don't have anything amusing for you, sorry. Have a pretty picture :) that's me.
Anon4, ha ha. Oh shit! Now people will think we are the same person.
Anon 5 err 3, WarriorBomber, hmmm I like it.
Jack, man calm down. Sure fighting for artistic license is good, but do you honestly think one case of furry porn is something to devote your life to? Since the end of `07? Seriously? You know what I've been doing since late 07? Attending college. I'm going to accelerated school, full sail look it up, and I'll be done in two months. I'm chasing my dream, I'll be in the entertainment industry towards the end of the year, so honestly what have you done with your life? Argued about furry porn on some websites. But hey, really don't listen to me, just keep doing what you're doing, because it really seems to be working.
Continue your little crusade, though, Jack. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the news - "Kid gets a seizure in front of Sega Enterprises building." now that would be entertaining.
I guess this is what Jack wants. Scan and post a comic you have to pay for. Nobody mentioned it, but it's not all about TC tracing and selling his illigal comics. Think more that way: A few people care enough to protect you and your money from supporting an thief rather an original artist. You can get better and less traced for 15$. Maybe someone will sacrifice his 15 bucks and share Amy untold finally with the masses. You do not pay for that shit, but can download it. Sounds like win to me. Stealing from an thief doesn't make you better, but at least TC will steal all your money. This here is the internet anyway.
Ok,first of all,I've been into Sonic Yiff since 2003,so that is first mistake.Second,Anon7,Anon8 already corrected you.The scans need to be spread on FCHAN.But there is another mistake.That hatred towards TC was from other FCHAN users,probably dead in the dark places of Internet,in other words,the users that are now asking for the comic scans are not the same people as in 2007/8.The old comic is posted from time to time,but it's benefitial for me as an evidence.Very probably that people that are going to see the new comic get discouraged by the old one.That and the tracing.15 bucks is some money,I live in Argentina and Dubai has same value for dollars when talking about exchange.The dollar is the most unstable currency nowadays,and even Obama can't do something to stabilize them.Let me be more clear,do you think that with all the crisis we are going through,a sonofabitch will go buy this traced comic for 20 bucks(15+6 shipping) when with that money you can get a used VG console and pass the time with something more interesting than having to jerk off with a comic and having to keep it away from cum moisture? Absolutely not,unless you are a big turd that can't think.Besides,posting the new comic is the best thing.I have SEGA Europe's contact mail address,but without solid evidence of what TC is doing(making money off Sonic ILLEGALLY) I can't do fuck.I need the comic to be complete at every corner of the Internet,and that is the moment in which I'm gonna make something,if SEGA listens,so that TC ends behind bars or with a big painintheass fine.
''Obama can't do something to stabilize it''
''20 bucks(15+5 shipping)''(here I made the mistake because in the US,shipping is 5 Dollars,in other places it is 6)
- Reply
I think an even better question in this whole mess is why should ANYONE make money from characters they don't own?
Your logic fails here. The artist who made this picture sold it through a $20 expensive comic.
"Furry Bomb isn't overrated.It's the best Sonic doujin out there"
Now I was hoping not to bring logic onto the internet, but even if Sega cared about hentai, isn't your precious "best Sonic doujin" also illegal?