Anonymous1: This is simply a cartoon like one-night-stand … Be very careful (take precaution) that's how bundles of joy can happen (unexpectedly).
This would be used for Sex Education. One-Night-Stands (especially like this one) can have a life-long affect on lovers (even one-time lovers/fanciers).
Also, A Bundle Of Joy between the characters (via cartoon crossover) Road-Rover Colleen and Sly Raccoon (instead of poor Hunter) would be a cross between D Canine and Raccoon.
This would be used for Sex Education. One-Night-Stands (especially like this one) can have a life-long affect on lovers (even one-time lovers/fanciers).
Also, A Bundle Of Joy between the characters (via cartoon crossover) Road-Rover Colleen and Sly Raccoon (instead of poor Hunter) would be a cross between D Canine and Raccoon.