"Revenge of the Vong Part 5: Tormented by Tsavong Lah"
And here Mara Jade is also being bred while the warmaster Tsavong Lah takes sadistic pleasure in tormenting her with one of his serpentine amphistaffs.
"I'm finally back! As some of you know from reading the other thread, the next Vong pics were signficantly delayed from their original January post date due to a series of personal issues that kept me from finishing them on time -- mainly a bad illness during the first half of January, then some job stuff I had to deal with, and ultimately general laziness (which often occurs during the first couple months of the new year after the mad rush to finish art in time for Christmas). But I'm past all that now and I'm hard at work on the rest of the Vong series. I've finally finished parts 4 and 5 (see below) which ended up more complicated than originally planned due to rearranging the background scenes to include Part 3 (Jaina's breeding), as well as a lot more detailing to the Vong. Parts 6 thru 8 are coming next, and these all interlink much like parts 3 thru 5 since their scenes all take place at the same time. This means having to basically work backwards, finishing part 8 first so that it can appear in the background of part 7, and in turn finishing part 7 next so that it can appear in the background of part 6. I'm working on all 3 at the same time and I'm about halfway done with them with a goal of posting them by mid to late April. After that, part 9 will be another complex one since it features a pair of voxyn beasts, and then finally parts 10 and 11 will be the aftermath epilogue of the series. Back in January I stated there would be 12 pics in this series, but there's now 11 planned because I decided to combine 2 pics into one single pic's scene. If I can't finish parts 6-8 by the end of April then I may save them to post for the SWEF anniversary on May 9th, and then wrap up the rest of the series throughout May into June. Then after that my focus will turn toward doing a few new TPM pics this summer to celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Phantom Menace (including the Padme/Watto pic that was part of the 2016 Art Poll).
Anyway, there's your status update. Sorry I've been away for so long, but I promise to be more active soon and I'll probably post a line art teaser later this week."
Anonymous5: Tbh I’d rather Shabby set a realistic schedule like uploading every 6 months or so. Even if it means only uploading like one or two batches a year. Gives him more time and we’re not in the dark for months at a time. Not saying Shabby “owes” it to his fans or anything to consistently upload, just managing expectations could easily be done better and it’d go a long way.
"Revenge of the Vong Part 5: Tormented by Tsavong Lah"
And here Mara Jade is also being bred while the warmaster Tsavong Lah takes sadistic pleasure in tormenting her with one of his serpentine amphistaffs.
"I'm finally back! As some of you know from reading the other thread, the next Vong pics were signficantly delayed from their original January post date due to a series of personal issues that kept me from finishing them on time -- mainly a bad illness during the first half of January, then some job stuff I had to deal with, and ultimately general laziness (which often occurs during the first couple months of the new year after the mad rush to finish art in time for Christmas). But I'm past all that now and I'm hard at work on the rest of the Vong series. I've finally finished parts 4 and 5 (see below) which ended up more complicated than originally planned due to rearranging the background scenes to include Part 3 (Jaina's breeding), as well as a lot more detailing to the Vong. Parts 6 thru 8 are coming next, and these all interlink much like parts 3 thru 5 since their scenes all take place at the same time. This means having to basically work backwards, finishing part 8 first so that it can appear in the background of part 7, and in turn finishing part 7 next so that it can appear in the background of part 6. I'm working on all 3 at the same time and I'm about halfway done with them with a goal of posting them by mid to late April. After that, part 9 will be another complex one since it features a pair of voxyn beasts, and then finally parts 10 and 11 will be the aftermath epilogue of the series. Back in January I stated there would be 12 pics in this series, but there's now 11 planned because I decided to combine 2 pics into one single pic's scene. If I can't finish parts 6-8 by the end of April then I may save them to post for the SWEF anniversary on May 9th, and then wrap up the rest of the series throughout May into June. Then after that my focus will turn toward doing a few new TPM pics this summer to celebrate the 20th anniversary of The Phantom Menace (including the Padme/Watto pic that was part of the 2016 Art Poll).
Anyway, there's your status update. Sorry I've been away for so long, but I promise to be more active soon and I'll probably post a line art teaser later this week."