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Anonymous1: Deku porn? Oh my.
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anomalous: FGSFDS
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evilpika: Lol, dekumilk.
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Anonymous2: deku nuts
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Anonymous3: He's got wood lol
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Anonymous4: Deku nuts, good one XD Deku stick :o other dekus watching him beat himself off o-o
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Anonymous5: He's being paid by the minute for this. He's checking his wrist for the time, but forgot he doesn't have a watch.
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Anonymous6: The only Deku Link picture here and it sucks.
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SilverServal: Awesome.
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Anonymous7: Dick isn't wood enough, and he should be shooting splinters.
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Anonymous8: havent cum this hard in a while to be honest
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TheCastleman: Look at Link's hands, how can he jack-off like that?
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Anonymous9: that is actually the guards wondering what the hell he is doing there when you get caught in game.
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Anonymous10: dont you just hate it when your ballsack is just one walloping tumor