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Freezer: Now the question becomes "Who's on the other end?"
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Darkace21: RON
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Titanium: Good idea
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estoyloco: magic
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Anonymous1: Ron's sister =)
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Anonymous2: LOL Darkace
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Anonymous3: BUT WHO WAS PHONE?!
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St_Alfonzo: dumbledoor.
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Anonymous4: Sirius
the guy that made satelite radio
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Anonymous5: No, This is Patrick.
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Anonymous6: Why, it's Voldemort of course.
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Anonymous7: NO, this is PATRICK
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Anonymous8: THIS IS SPARTAAAAA!!!!
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lorik: This Is Magic !

It's Snape !
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Anonymous9: It's magic, you knooooooooow,
Never believe it's not sooooooo!
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Anonymous10: What the fuck is he doing with a phone? Don't they have fireplaces and crystal balls for that?
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Anonymous11: The only one who would have a phone is Hermione
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Anonymous12: Wizard or not, having a portrait of a married couple fucking, just up on their wall in their house, is a solid example of a good idea.
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evilpika: No one thinks it's strange that he's calling someone over to watch a portrait of his parents fucking?

Granted, his parents are hawt, but still.
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Anonymous13: He's inviting some friends over for a circle-jerk?
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Atonned: He didnt had many friends.
And Anon11 is right.Only Hermione being muggle can have phone. He is planning to a pic of him n herm
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Anonymous14: Just because they're wizards doesn't mean they aren't allowed to use modern technology, it may be more reliable.
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Anonymous15: Arthur probably had a phone line installed.

I commend this picture for making me lol AND being hot at the same time.
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Anonymous16: Hermione and Ginny, they were spending sum time 2gether. :D
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Anonymous17: The way I see it, for who's on the other end of the phone: it's either A)Hermione, who as a muggleborn is most likely to have a phone or B)Ginny, as it's possible her father got a phone and she bears an uncanny resemblance to Harry's mum (And as such he's inviting her over for a re-enactment after he casts an eye-colour glamour on her).
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Anonymous18: Old voldie will want to get in on this.
Had he not killed them he could have taken james' place.
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Anonymous19: You're all wrong.

It's Dudley.
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max_tyler: Fucking awesome!
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Anonymous20: he shuld giev it to severoous as present?
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Anonymous21: ITS DRACO
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Franky_Whiskey: Nah, it could be anyone in the magic realm, using magic stone-slab phones powered by AT&T.

And guess what AT&T REALLY stands for? "Archmages' Telephone & Teletransportations services" That's why we muggles have shit reception with that company, but it's a big hit in the wizard world
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Anonymous22: Given that he's on a telephone, the most likely candidate is Hermione.
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Anonymous23: It's Snape (if he were still alive). Then they can both wank to the picture.

He could be calling Dumbledore as well. Dumby would like jizzing to James.
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Anonymous24: I vote for Luna she is the FUN one.

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