Anonymous5: Look. Since Anon 1 was nice and he got nowhere: Now shut the fuck up, everyone. Someone make NEW images of ALL of Ciel. Replace the penis with a vagina. Upload the NEW image. You guys are into gay? I don't give a shit. But I'm into PUSSY.
Anonymous10: All this is just the result of someone proposing a dissenting opinion in a kind and unimposing way. If you can't respect a dissenting opinion even when it is phrased in such a way as not to threaten your own, you have issues.
Anonymous13: Annon 1, 5, and 10. I'm also detecting that this is likely the same poster. However since this is a yaoi image and you're posting a want of a shop with a vagina, you're kind of in the wrong. If that's what you truly want, theses posts belong on a Photoshop request site, not on the comments section for a gay pornograhic image. Therefore, you should obviously expect the others to shut down your argument. One doesn't go into an Auto zone complaining about the lack of dress shoes after all.
Was that a kind enough response?