piggypup: Hey, fuck you, boxxylover! You cancer faggets make me FUCING SICK! LOL BOXY THIS, BOXY THAT, IM SO FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYWHERE I LOOK, SEEING THAT STUPID FUCKING GIRL. YES SHES PRETTY, BUT SHES JUST A GIRL, she is not that special. Infact, if you ask me, shes pretty damn annoying. Yet you just keep on defending her! Well sir, I say to YOU, YOU ARE THE FUCKING CANCER! I HOPE YOU GET CANCER! AND I HOPE BOXXY GETS CANCER!
Urbane_Guerrilla: ... but not enough issues of National Geographic, which occasionally had seminudes to draw. This one doesn't know how to draw the human form yet, and that is an essential for good porno.
Anonymous8: now come on y'all
whether you think she's cancer or your queen, you'd have to be a gay castrato not to want some quality boxxy porn
this is NOT quality boxxy porn
dedicated-reader: Hahahahah satrday n igvh liv e....hu......o..omy GOD!!!!!.............34'd that yet...well let's check and see...also its AQUA UNIT Porkyman er forver..fanfiction. net slashfirerstorm.... and yes I forgot to take my aderal/ridelin this morning so shut the fuck up......I'm a guy
dedicated-reader: Aqua unit patrol sqaud 1 ...my computer screwed it up ...my last coment......PORN PORN PORN...fapfapfqpfapfapkill justinbeberfapfapfapkillcannadafapfapfapgotofanfiction.netfapfqapfaptopplessrobot.comfapfapfapslashfirestorm....fap......THAT'S ALL FOLKS!
Anonymous19: boxy. noun, self impossed dictator stealing /b/rigaders thunder and encouraging kids to visit 4chan cause its "a great place to hang out". sorry missy but /b/ is our war zone and noobs are cannon fodder
Have a nice time fapping to my picture, FAG!
back to cardboard africa with it!
- Reply
Epic fail
whether you think she's cancer or your queen, you'd have to be a gay castrato not to want some quality boxxy porn
this is NOT quality boxxy porn
- Reply
I see whut you did thur