Anonymous9: Actually, Vi is a male. The point is - look at the original Linear Guild, all of the charackters counterparts are of the same gender as they are, and since that Drow was a male... Well at least it's what was supposed to be, before author decided not to reviel Vi's gender ever.
Yet_One_More_Idiot: I tend to think of V mainly as being male, although there are moments that make me think otherwise. But yeah, V is officially both OR neither, at this point.
Anonymous15: Actually, it never says anything about a 'wife', the comic is very careful to use gender neutral terms. The children refer to them as 'Parent' and 'Other Parent'. V usually uses the term 'Mate' for third person address, as does his Mate. No gendered pronouns are used anywhere to refer to either of them.
Anonymous18: Actually, v is female.
In one of comics, the author referred to V as female with "a mothers worst nightmare" but soon changed it too "parent" in a little slip.
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Any chance that when you say "more webcomic stuff" you mean more stuff of this webcomic?
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But you can do lots of things with magic.
Sorry for my English.
Also, Durkon's counterpart (Hilgya) was of an opposite gender.
Thusly, your point is invalid.
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In one of comics, the author referred to V as female with "a mothers worst nightmare" but soon changed it too "parent" in a little slip.