Anonymous4: i do belive that guy's name is malchiore and i think he's the guy from the book raven had in that one episode, and for those who cant read tags or recognize characters that's raven from teen titans
TheDeceiverGod: Malchiore didn't have armor, you couldn't see his mouth and turned out to be a dragon. Rodrek was the real wizard, but I don't think that's him unless it's him +10 years which considering he was a historical figure to begin with would make him Way old.
Anonymous12: A Mary-Sue is a female character in a fanfiction or original story who's perfect in every way that it's annoying. They are gorgeous, most powerful and more important than any character in the story, and it's obvious it's based on the author who created it. Plus, a Mary-Sue fall in love with another fictional character of their dreams.
Anonymous14: or gary stu, the term originated in a Star Trek TNG fanfic starring a character by the name of Mary Sue, though admittedly, the only way to make a new character for a Star Trek fanfic is either A. make them seem like a mary sue by comparison to the others, or B. make them a blithering idiot like the rest of the crew.
First rule 34 I've ever seen of Arthas.
First rule 34 I've ever seen of the Lich King.
but the armour doesn't have skulls and shiz
i know id put on a little costume so i cud screw her
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