Anonymous4: ......
Harry Potter slash sucks.
The artists who draw Harry Potter slash suck.
Harry and Ginny.
Ron and Hermione.
It's too late for your bullshit.
Anonymous9: Wow. That's racist, Anon. 7. One of my best friends is from Sweden, and he's one of the straightest guys I've met. Although that's not exactly a good thing. He can never keep a girl 'cause he goes to fast into the relationship. Not sex, but too fast, nonetheless
I've been meaning to post it and forgot. Kudos. XD
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Get the fuck out, you fucking retarded LJ fangirl
Also, this picture... no. Just no.
Harry Potter slash sucks.
The artists who draw Harry Potter slash suck.
Harry and Ginny.
Ron and Hermione.
It's too late for your bullshit.
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