Anonymous8: Lmao, Spyro is just mad cause Cynder is in control of the situation again. :o Riddle I have no idea why the picture is so light. Try asking the artist. ^.^
Anonymous11(10): Anons 3 and 4:
Theyre not being forced on each other because hes pulling the chain with his mouth
Anon 9:
Spyro is in control for that same reason
Anonymous27: I get the feeling Cynder is in control. Look where her left hand is. Her left hand is caressing the back of Spyro's head. This is clearly out of affection and is also probably being done for comfort, as if to say, 'Don't worry. You're nearly there.' or 'You did it.'
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Theyre not being forced on each other because hes pulling the chain with his mouth
Anon 9:
Spyro is in control for that same reason
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He is cumming inside her!!!
And a time later they have...
he just cum inside her!
and later they
oh boy.