Anonymous1: "Alright kids, today we're gonna talk about somethin' I love very, very, very, very, very much. Which is strange, 'cause penguins usually...don't worry about it, I love sex! Make sure you always have it; sex is amazin'. Sex is all over the place, and you could have it anywhere. And you should probably do it at least once a week, or yer dick will fall off from misuse. So go out and get with aaaaany girl possible. No matter how slutty or Christian they may be, hit that shit. And remember: condoms? For pussies. Only reliable birth control is they HAPPEN to get pregnant? Well y'know...yeah, pregnant's not good, so...FUCKIN' HAMMER 'EM IN THE GUT!"
If anyone gets where I got this from, you win the internet.
If anyone gets where I got this from, you win the internet.