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TagsTauren, Warcraft, World_of_Warcraft, blood_elf, sukebepanda
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Info868x900 // 97KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: SukebePanda's FA page says this is a world of warcraft picture involving a Draenei and... something else; probably a tauren.

Change the tags, I'm new here and a lazy fuck.
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Anonymous2(1): 1 here. I think it's actually a blood elf. I don't think draenei have long ears.
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buzzy: definitely an elf of some kind. I think night elf though... blood elf ears point more up than out.
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Anonymous3: the sun tattoo makes her a blood elf
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Anonymous4: Actually, it looks like a blood elf and a troll.
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Anonymous5: Blood Elf because of tattoo and eye brows and tauren because... well fuck, who else has a penis and a set of palms like that?
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Anonymous6: SHE HAS NO ANUS D:
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som: True dat. Also, her vagoo is creeping way too far up her buttcrack.
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Anonymous7: The fact that she does not have an anus proves that it is a tauren fucking her. His humongous dick has ripped her pussy and ass into one divine fuckhole!
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Anonymous8: She has a really fat ass and a short body. Both blood elfs and night elfs are tall as fuck. It so it has a human body and blood/night elf face.

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Anonymous9: First of all, everyone trying to prove shit right about the female, are fucking wrong.

Blood Elves are shorter than Night Elves, about the size of a human, also Blood Elves' eyebrows aren't as enlongated. This is a Bloodelf however.
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Anonymous10: Yes, it is a Blood Elf, found a description of it.

Tauren is named Ebonhorn, Blood Elf is named Jurasa.

Though I do wonder, why do you criticize instead of fap to it? Not like it's drawn by a child without skill.
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Anonymous11: its a NE BEs dont have the huge eyebrows.... but still she is hot as hell
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Anonymous12(10): They have long eyebrows!

That's a Blood Elf.
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Anonymous13: You morons.

Its obviously a Gnome fucking an Undead. You guys are fucking retarded.
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Anonymous14: the artist put NE ears on teh BE but teh long as eye brows r BE and so is the sun tatoo
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ZeroXDash: Sorry guys, too busy looking at that gaping maw she calls a vagina to care. I could get my foot in that thing 0_o;
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Anonymous15: SH҈̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̔̊̋̌̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̔̊̋̌̍̎E HAS NO ANU҈̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̔̊̋̌̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̔̿̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̔̿̕̕̕̕S
W҈̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠HAT THE F҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̕̚̕̚̕̚̕̚͡͡UCK
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