Anonymous1: What REALLY happened when these two went to Paris! Though Lois was able to keep Bonnie from cheating on Joe, she didn't have to bring him to Paris. Instead she brought I Brian, by having slipped him into her luggage and letting them have Sex. When they did, slut that she is, Lois, being other drunk and horny, decided to get in on it. Brian and Bonnie BOTH agreed, which lead to the above scene!
Anonymous2(1): What REALLY happened when these two went to Paris! Though Lois was able to keep Bonnie from cheating on Joe, she didn't have to bring him to Paris. Instead she brought I Brian, by having previously slipped him into her luggage and letting them have Sex. When they did, slut that she is, Lois, being other drunk and horny, decided to get in on it. Brian and Bonnie BOTH agreed, which lead to the above scene!
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