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Anonymous1: Hot!
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Anonymous2: Someone should make a 6foot tall Hobbes fuzzy plush action(and I do MEAN "ACTION" FIGURE". I KNOW it would sell like no toy ever for Kids and Adults(and the commercials for Adults would be ever so intriguing).After all, doen't everyone love a nice warm fuzzy....tiger? The Life Sized Calvin figures would, on the other hand, be sold out to NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, Not the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes, don't mix 'em up.
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prahanormal: Anon 2 is an incredible faggot.
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Anonymous3: Yes he is
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Anonymous4: anon2 is trying too hard
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Anonymous5: Lol @ Anon 3: the only person in the world that would buy that is you... because you made it, duh-ness.
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Anonymous6(5): ^ Oops, meant Anon 2* XP Fail on my part XD *Shot*
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Anonymous7: *GASP*
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Anonymous8: i was trying to fap to this then i read anon2's comment. ill never be hard again.
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Anonymous9(8): i was trying to fap to this then i read that. ill never be hard again.
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Anonymous10: lol anon 3, he may be "an incredible faggot", but thats coming from you, who's looking at Gay furry porn on rule 34. Just sayin.
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Anonymous11: I think a plush Hobbes would be a good idea.