DrRubButt_Wink: BlackSetRenamon, it is so. All of humanity is required to defend our most holy Emperor's Imperium.
From the lowly Rattlings to the mighty Lords of Terra, non are excused from service and only in death does duty end.
Anonymous5: dont worry! go in topless! your glistening titties will deflet and las shots and because they r so soft and bouncy they can deflect even tank rounds!
Or to be more exact: It all depends on where the regimen comes from. Some planets send only male troops, some only female. Most send both and more often than not they will be mixed.
I've never read the cadian units to be male only (though I've hardly read half of what was written about them). And considering the nature of the planet, it does not seem likely that they are.
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Why's everyone out to delete my uploads all of the sudden?
2) I'll make it fit. :D
I'll be in my bunk.
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From the lowly Rattlings to the mighty Lords of Terra, non are excused from service and only in death does duty end.
If you know what I mean...
I mean sexual intercourse.
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Or to be more exact: It all depends on where the regimen comes from. Some planets send only male troops, some only female. Most send both and more often than not they will be mixed.
I've never read the cadian units to be male only (though I've hardly read half of what was written about them). And considering the nature of the planet, it does not seem likely that they are.
Now make more soldiers for the Emperor!