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TheLuckyWayfarer: But Hermione isn't black ::::)
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Goodwin: @TheLuckyWayfarer: bayushi said it was a creative decision.
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Anonymous1: But Hermione isn't black.
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Anonymous2: Hermione was Black in the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child two-part stage play played by actress Noma Dumezweni.
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spaceodin: The only person that matters is Fleur
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Anonymous3: @Goodwin So creatively what did it add to the story?
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Anonymous4: Why not make Hermione East Asian or Indian for that matter ? Your creative decision is retarded. KYS.
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Alenya: Her race isn't even mentioned in the books. The films made just as much of a 'creative decision' casting her as white.
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Anonymous5: Even if Hermione is black here, Harry will fuck her :)
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Anonymous6: There ain't no Hermionigga..
Her race may not be explicitly mentioned in the books. But sure as fuck JK implied the fuck out of white ass Hermione
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Anonymous7: Lol @ the usual suspects losing their shit about skin color in fanwork. Pathetic.
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Anonymous8(7): @Anonymous6: It's fanart you twat. Relax.
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Anonymous9: Do you really think casting her as black did anything other than reduce the available pool of theatre goers even more?
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous9: Obviously. But the fact alone that it shows the finger to people throwing hysteric fits about the skin color of a character in a child's movie beeing different that the (implied) one in the books would be worth it.
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Anonymous11(10): It's about fanart anyway. Not casting.

There is enough white Hermione on here to wank to, if that's what people fancy. Why do people go to a pic with a black version of the character, just to throw a fit?

Because they are fucking sad cunts, that's why.
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atozed: I'm surprised none of these awful nerds pointed out Hermoine doesn't canonically have threesomes either.
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Zetcurri: @atozed: In porn, all that matters is a character's looks. This doesn't look accurate, therefore it fails.

@Alenya: Haha, no, retard. Every black character in the books is specifically described as such. Kingsley Shacklebolt, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, etc. Obviously, because being black isn't the default in the UK.

@Goodwin: A creative decision to make your fan art pornography look both less like its inspiration, and unattractive. This retard sure knows what it's doing.

@Anonymous7: Funny how your kind loses its shit when black characters are drawn as human in fanwork, huh? In fact, you've driven people to suicide over it. Can't expect you to not be a complete hypocrite, though.
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Anonymous12: Why can't all of you just let the artists draw what they want? It's not like it's some weird bullshit fetish, it's just the preference of the artist, and if neither of you dumbasses like it, it's okay, you can just ignore it, but stop being such assholes crying over the artists like is the end of the world

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