Anonymous3: I wish people would shut the fuck up about "moustaches". For better or worse, it's the character design.
If you want to complain about something, complain about the stupid stumps that the Power Puffs have instead of hands. Attack the really shitty toon designs.
jackrabbit: appealus, I think you are right. Those of us who watched the show regularly while it was on quickly got used to the colored upper lip of the character design. I never heard anything about "moustaches" until I got here.
Anonymous8: No, just take a look at any official kim possible pic or screencap, the upper lip doesn't extend far beyond the teeth like this pic does, and the teeth area is much bigger making it look like a large upper lip.
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If you want to complain about something, complain about the stupid stumps that the Power Puffs have instead of hands. Attack the really shitty toon designs.
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The above pic has a fucking moustache.
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