Anonymous1: Like the image, but, unsure if these are alien/human hybrids, or, disguised heavy lifter suits(similar to the one in the second Alien movie). Anyone....?
Anonymous2: Actually, I'm pretty sure it's neither. This looks like the artist was drawing a human version of a specific Xenomorph in the first (yet still godawful) Aliens Versus Predator movie. The alien in question is, according to the DVD commentary, the only one with a personality; it's the 'smart one'. It kills two out of the three predators.
You can tell it's meant to be that specific alien because the tail has been lopped off and those criss-cross markings are actually scars from when it breaks free of one of the predators' netguns. I do not know how I know this, or why I should care enough to post this information up on here, but there you go.
You can tell it's meant to be that specific alien because the tail has been lopped off and those criss-cross markings are actually scars from when it breaks free of one of the predators' netguns. I do not know how I know this, or why I should care enough to post this information up on here, but there you go.
sexed up i see.
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