Anonymous3: notanonymous must of cut,colerd, and pasted cynder
to a picher of a hotel/motel he/she sade in.that or ti's his/her house/apatmentor he/she found it on the internet.(i'm sill to lazy to spel ceck.)
ANB: black (cutscenes), dark gray (in game, concept art)
TEN: dark gray (cutscenes, in game), dark blue (official art)
(again?, wtf?!)"ANB": dark blue (in game, cutscenes), dark blue-purple (concept art)
in the thirt place its Dawn of the Dragon (DOTD), not A New Beggining (ANB) asshole. Besides why the hell in ANB and TEN cynder are black and in DOTD are like dark blue?. the fucking guys of sierra are daltonics or what the hell?
Anonymous7: look guys, this is rule 34. if you have a problem too bad. people put porn here too explore the lore, background, story, and other things that developers don't mention. It's like world of warcraft on rule 34. yeah they don't look like in the game, you dont't know if they have dicks and pusseys but that's why places like deviantart and rule 34 exist, to create and draw fan fiction.
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to a picher of a hotel/motel he/she sade in.that or ti's his/her house/apatmentor he/she found it on the internet.(i'm sill to lazy to spel ceck.)
ANB: black (cutscenes), dark gray (in game, concept art)
TEN: dark gray (cutscenes, in game), dark blue (official art)
ANB: dark blue (in game, cutscenes), dark blue-purple (concept art)
Most people settle for a blue-gray because straight black doesn't look all that great. Case in point, see above image.
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ANB: black (cutscenes), dark gray (in game, concept art)
TEN: dark gray (cutscenes, in game), dark blue (official art)
(again?, wtf?!)"ANB": dark blue (in game, cutscenes), dark blue-purple (concept art)
in the thirt place its Dawn of the Dragon (DOTD), not A New Beggining (ANB) asshole. Besides why the hell in ANB and TEN cynder are black and in DOTD are like dark blue?. the fucking guys of sierra are daltonics or what the hell?
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Besides... i think i need to calm down...