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TagsAngela_Cross, NinjaChipp, Ratchet, Ratchet_and_Clank, lombax
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Info620x576 // 205KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Angela cross was *NOT* a lombax...
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Anonymous2: Actually yes she was
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Anonymous3: Actually no she wasn't
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Anonymous4: Yes she was, just a different sub species of lombax
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Anonymous5: FFS Even the character designer for Angel said that she wasent a lombax on the IG forums

End of Discussion
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Anonymous6: Dose it really matter?
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Anonymous7: Dude.. Who ever sad Angela Cross isss REALLYYYYY Retarded!!! Play the video game a couple more times till it finally sticks!
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Anonymous8(7): Dude.. Who ever sad Angela Cross isss NOT A LOMBAX REALLYYYYY Retarded!!! Play the video game a couple more times till it finally sticks!
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Anonymous9: I thought Angela's lombax-ness was retconned because they needed him to be the last one for a later plot. She looks a great deal like a lombax, but with the retcon I guess we're supposed to assume she's a member of a related species but not actually a lombax.
(why are we having this argument? The artist used similar anatomy to draw similar-looking furries, it isn't any more an assertion they're the same species than their similar appearance in canon.)
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Anonymous10: Will you guys just stfu and fap?
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Anonymous11: ^My thoughts exactly Anon 11
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Urbane_Guerrilla: How do you think they're recuperating from the last fapsession?
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Anonymous12: fap fap fap shes a lombax fap fap
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Anonymous13: she is a lombax
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Anonymous14: play R&C:Crack in time shes a lombax
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Anonymous15(14): ..though originaly the designers said she wasn't they changed there mind
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Confirmation from the game itself. She IS a lombax.
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Anonymous17: why is Lombax a tag?
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Anonymous18: arse,you know this is for our species right?
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Anonymous19: Lol the artist sucks.
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Anonymous20: Actually, she IS a Lombax, but a sub-species. In the later games, she went on the run and was chased out of the universe pretty much, so technically Ratchet would be the last Lombax in that universe. I heard she was run off through a radio story if you listen to the radio in the game A Crack in Time. And even then, this is all said in the Ratchet and Clank wiki.
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Anonymous21: no anon 5 is right i have read it to the creators wrote it, but i dident belive it until i saw it myself
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Anonymous22: She is a Lombax, she doesn't have a tail due to the fact the females of the species not having them.
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Anonymous23: ratchet and clank future a crack in time: "im sorry our we sure she,in fact,is a lombax,i know tht was the assumption but she doesnt have a tail" "famale lombax's don't have tails kip. infact,this just in,females do not share the same anatomic traits as their male counter parts..."
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Anonymous24: she was born on a difrent planet. a frozen planet trust me i have all ratchet and clank games
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Anonymous25: she wasn't part of the Lombax group that went to the lombax dimension, she just grew up on grelbin, she wasn'r born on it. DEAL WITH IT.
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Anonymous26: That... Killed my childhood. And to top it off, it's poorly drawn.
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Anonymous27: did they ever fuck?
as in,did ratchet ever stick his dick in her pussy?
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Anonymous28(27): yawn.
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Anonymous29(27): show me the sex!
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Anonymous30(27): *yawn*
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Anonymous31: did the have an off spring?
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Anonymous32(31): she is too a lombax!
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Anonymous33(31): angela cross wha born on that planet.
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Anonymous34(31): porney
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Anonymous35(31): ...
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Anonymous36(31): is she a lombax?
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Anonymous37(31): ;)
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Anonymous38(31): annononumous
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Anonymous39: trust me,shees a lombax
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Anonymous40(39): ....................
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Anonymous41: ....why does she have a tail
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Anonymous42: if she exist in real i wanna lick her pussy
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Anonymous43: Angela Cross is a lombax if you listen to the news report in a crack in time, the females don't have tails, but have that ponytail style. Ratchet as a male has a tali and it is found that most males in the race are short, then have growth spurts if they do not have one when they are younger. SO in all Angela Cross one hundred percent Lombaxs so there you go, if you don't believe me type in on utube angela cross crack in time ratchet and clank and you should find the news report.
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Anonymous44: Fap Fap Fap Fap splirt read comments, quit caring Fap Fap Fap write a comment.
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Anonymous45: she is a lombax the game dosint lie

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