Anonymous4: evilpika: Seriously. There's not a whole lot that I wouldn't draw porn of without a second thought, but I'd think twice about't tempting an attractive and successful African to abuse his new power on my ass.
Anonymous10: "warrior: and this is the picture that got Obama to b& lolicon."
Uh no he didn't.
Congress under the Bush administration tried twice, and each time the Supreme Court
struck it down each time as unconstitutional, because it imposed restrictions on cartoon art and that violates free speech in the 1st Amendment.
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(As Anon 1's head explodes)
*everyone posting on this image is now tracked by the PaedoBear*
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Uh no he didn't.
Congress under the Bush administration tried twice, and each time the Supreme Court
struck it down each time as unconstitutional, because it imposed restrictions on cartoon art and that violates free speech in the 1st Amendment.