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Anonymous1: Is that Ginny or Charlie? I mean I see what could be a bra but hell if that's Ginny she's as buff as Harry.
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An_Onymous: That's totally Ginny. And while I'm normally not that into Harry Potter characters, they're drawn pretty hotly here. Yum.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Oh boy, Quiddich Co-Ed Locker Room Fantasies. Looks like Ginny's about in seventh year.
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Anonymous2: This is when we learn that Ginny is 1/8 Giant, on her mother's side.
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Anonymous3: Mmmm broom polishing and servicing in the Quiddich Locker Room.
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Anonymous4: Andy Dick and Carrot Top get banned from ever doing another Comedy Central Roast....
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Anonymous5: lol broom servicing kit xD
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Anonymous6: this requires a follow with someone yelling "fuck yes! service my broom"
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Anonymous7: Those brooms gonna need a bath in bleach