Anonymous11: ZeroXDash, Fanta is German. Which surprised me. I thought with the Fantanas it would be Brazilian or something. Weasil, wow your right. That's a graphic personification of the mix drink Spezi. I used to love that in when we lived in Germany. Whenever we were traveling off base I'd order Spezi, Schnitzel, and Pommes Frites. That was my favorite. Gomenasai, that's the colorist. Apparently he's illiterate or something so he's forced to sign with a pictograph. And, really? No Fantanas tag? I would think Rule 34 would be all over that. The fakers at the very least.
OGRE: Fanta originated when a trading ban was placed on Nazi Germany by the Allies during World War II.[1] The Coca-Cola GmbH, therefore was not able to import the syrup needed to produce Coca-Cola in Germany.[1] As a result, Max Keith, the man in charge of Coca-Cola's operations in Germany during the Second World War, decided to create a new product for the German market, using only ingredients available in Germany at the time,[1] including whey and pomace – the "leftovers of leftovers", as Keith later recalled.[2] The name was the result of a brief brainstorming session, which started with Keith exhorting his team to "use their imagination" ("Fantasie" in German), to which one of his salesmen, Joe Knipp, immediately retorted "Fanta!
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Gomenasai: I didn't notice that untill you pointed it out.
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One should always learn something when fapping to porn
wow that's sad you noticed the cat...
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