Anonymous2: Don't even try to be nice about it Anon 1, the only thing that will help this talentless fucker improve is a swift kick to the Hugbox, to tell him/her the truth and say it's shit and that they need either a mountain of practice or a new hobby.
Otherwise rewarding this with positive comments will just encourage more vain scribbling and less practicing.
Anonymous4: This is the worst picture I've ever had the good displeasure of seeing. So not kidding. Whichever faceless nobody it is that drew this needs their drawing license (re: hands) revoked so that they don't make the general art quality on the Internet worse and the general art quality amongst the furries better by "drawing" in a fashion remarkably similar to drowning in a kiddie pool.
Inexperienced artist or not, this lazy-eyed, limp-wristed layabout mutant is not in any way physically or mentally blocked from putting in the effort to do its best, make its best better and then outperform its best like a proper human being with proper goals and ambitions. Ones set far, far, FAR higher than "play Oblivion and jerk off each day."
Now, consider what the source of that previous explosion of blood-boiled, impotent rage is. That's how terrible this terrible picture is. Its terrible artist, too.
Anonymous7: haaha, I drew this like three years ago, realised it was shit, still ended up on the net
Anon6 it was a photo with a webcam of all things
Anon1, yeah thanks, don't believe you though
Anon 4, I still have my hands, but have pretty much dropped drawing seriously, occasional scribbles, nothing that will ending up provoking you.
Anon5 I agree
Otherwise rewarding this with positive comments will just encourage more vain scribbling and less practicing.
Inexperienced artist or not, this lazy-eyed, limp-wristed layabout mutant is not in any way physically or mentally blocked from putting in the effort to do its best, make its best better and then outperform its best like a proper human being with proper goals and ambitions. Ones set far, far, FAR higher than "play Oblivion and jerk off each day."
Now, consider what the source of that previous explosion of blood-boiled, impotent rage is. That's how terrible this terrible picture is. Its terrible artist, too.
Anon6 it was a photo with a webcam of all things
Anon1, yeah thanks, don't believe you though
Anon 4, I still have my hands, but have pretty much dropped drawing seriously, occasional scribbles, nothing that will ending up provoking you.
Anon5 I agree