Rat: So what's next to be featured because it's so special, childhood shattering, unique, funny and not the most generic, plain and boring shit ever, a feature of Sakura Haruno from Naruto perhaps?
Yeah that'll really shake the cage!
Here by demanding featured images be stricken from the list of funtions on paheal as they have long past stopped serving what little purpose they one might have had if only had been used properly.
Anonymous29(13): My problem with this being featured isn't just that it doesn't have any lulz value... it's... just not special in any way.
No lulz value.
No shock value.
Average hotness.
Sorta cute, I guess.
Nothing remarkable or unusual.
... you get the idea... it's not that it's bad... and it's not that hot/cute pics should never be featured... but... what happened to features being... ya know... feature-worthy?
ZeroXDash: Warrior, your peculiar armament has made me all D'AWWWWWW inside. Its nice to venture through the entire spectrum of emotion every once in awhile instead of always landing in the lap of utter OMG or WTF.
Anonymous38: I just figured it out... The picture isn't the feature at all... Rather, the true feature is the comments that come after it...
Yea, that's it... The mods are featuring things like this purely to get a rise out of you people and generate lulz and these lulzy comments are the feature, not the picture itself...
How about that, huh? The feature, this time, is not a picture, but rather the users of Rule 34... Cool, huh?
Gremrat: Don't get me wrong, this is hot as hell and I approve and all, but... does anyone else miss the days when featured images were epic abominations of all things holy?
Anonymous42: It was probably featured because of the fact that she's daydreaming about it instead of actually doing it. You know, like all the lolicon Anons do.
Anonymous43: Perhaps if Cynthia was givng Dawn a footjob with tentacled feet, while shitting pig fetuses out of her prolasped vagina nipples, as Gary Oak cuts through her with a chainsaw with penises for blades, while Brock dressed in a furry suit sticks pokeballs in his ass while cumming on all three of them - then I would be really interested. This picture is nice too though.
Anonymous49: There was a global law covering this sort of thing by the Geneva Convention. Pedophilia is not a crime so long as the perpetrator is female, hot, and atleast over 16.
Anonymous59: i want to play with cynthia all night long. call me crazy but she is the hotist fucking girl iv ever seen. (I think i have a problom i think cartoon charicters are much much hotter than real life people can ever be)
Anonymous60: to Anon60, hentai is drawn in a way that shows how perfect people are like. real live people are different because they are flawed in many ways, so there is a huge difference between the two
Anonymous84: omfg wtf is wrong with you guys? do you guys like grotesque images that look like blue waffles? cuz i know i dont. so just stop friggin spamming it took my comp 10 friggin minutes to load this page and ps i like how its daydreaming, its like eeeeeek i wish it were real xD
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best pairing ever <3
I loooooove this feature.
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Dude, this is really well drawn, deserves a feature, I agree. This should have happened in the game. XD
Seriously people, that's fucking lame.
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angelica:<_< ooh cynthia >_>??? O_O cynthia how could you. i thought what we had is special:(
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Yeah that'll really shake the cage!
Here by demanding featured images be stricken from the list of funtions on paheal as they have long past stopped serving what little purpose they one might have had if only had been used properly.
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In technicality, these same images will be raping childhoods in the next couple of years. If anything, it's jumping the gun.
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also I dunno about you gaiz but this is world shattering to me, I mean I never ever ever ever would have thought of a pairing this zany
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I dont plan on doing another anyway.
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The Calvin and Hobbes one from yesterday or whenever it was is second to this.
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and this is pretty lame
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In response: Find shit. Eat shit. Die.
Thank you.
Or when there's some sort of reference to long-forgotten or newly-forced memes.
Or just funny stuff.
Or just trolls.
Or just.
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No lulz value.
No shock value.
Average hotness.
Sorta cute, I guess.
Nothing remarkable or unusual.
... you get the idea... it's not that it's bad... and it's not that hot/cute pics should never be featured... but... what happened to features being... ya know... feature-worthy?
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tl;dr This pic is the bee's knees.
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whatever happened to the featured being an abomination like that luigi and wario one? :|
Yea, that's it... The mods are featuring things like this purely to get a rise out of you people and generate lulz and these lulzy comments are the feature, not the picture itself...
How about that, huh? The feature, this time, is not a picture, but rather the users of Rule 34... Cool, huh?
That's my theroy, anyway...
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The 'tarded comments are just icing on the delicious caek i must eat.
sez admiral actar, admiral akbars younger brother
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what? Were you expecting me to fap? This shit's boring/generic.
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She's a fangirl stalker <3
but the pic is pure win and kinda cute :D
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