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UploaderQWERTYas1, avatar
TagsHalo, Spartan_IV, qwertyas1
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QWERTYas1: quick and nasty eyedropper painting for a request (actually like 4 hours+ h e lp) of some spartans gettin' it on

bless them for requesting Wrath and Recruit charred, I finally had a reason to draw the edgiest armour in the game :'D
apologies to all requesters still waitin', there's a l o t to get through >.>

stay frosty♥ and if anyone wants to play some halo with me PM me or HMU at! I'm on the req grind to unlock that classic helmet pack on friday :') I don't speak on mic sorry, but I don't suck too much~ ^-^
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drstyles: Oof, look at the muffin he's grabbin', that'll put on some weight.
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SPNKRLover: Splendid work Qwerty, I can't wait to see more of your Halo work. ^.^
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I_am_Num_Numz: Forgot to sign in when I commented earlier lol but YAY I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much!!!
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Anonymous2: unturned please!
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Anonymous3: Could there be one with helljumper and lindas armor? That'd be super of you.
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warmort: Hey Qwerty, why not make a tumblr ?
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Anonymous4: I love so much your halo and minecraft works! If you can, please do something with my spartan, i will like from behind! Thank you for all your works! :D
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QWERTYas1: @drstyles: probably the only part of the drawing I can be proud of ;v; thank you, and indeed~

@SPNKRLover: Aya, thanks SPNKR! CX If requests are any indication, there'll be a lot more on the way ^^"

@I_am_Num_Numz: hahaha, no worries! Glad you like it :3 Hope the armour config was right too XDD

@Anonymous2: good things come to those who wait ;3 when we're dealing with me... it can be quite a long wait >.<

@Anonymous3: I've already done one with helljumper and Kelly's armour, so it's not honestly at the top of my list, but if you can add more details to that request to make it unique, then I'll be a lot more invested in the idea :P

@warmort: Oh, but I do have a tumblr! It's [url][/url] ;D

@Anonymous4: Haha, thanks anon =) I'd like to, but before I do I'd like to ask whether you're a high level or not? I don't mean that in a 'no requests for anyone who hasn't maxed out their character', but I mean... in halo 5, the sheer volume of armour means that we usually end up changing sets every so often; especially when we're still unlocking rares/ultra rares. All I want to know, I guess, is whether or not that character will be relevant to you in, say, a couple of weeks or a month? Cuz I can't draw it immediately, and by the time I get around to it you might have a completely different lookin' spartan, yknow? I believe you've got a rare helmet and an uncommon armour equipped, so it just made me curious =)
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Anonymous5: Even though this post is a day old for a second I thought there were 3 people idk why I thought there 3 xD
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SPNKRLover: Which I can't wait to see mine. ^w^
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I_am_Num_Numz: @QWERTYas1 I don't know why, but pm's aren't working...but I was gonna say, You got the Armor configuration SPOT ON!!! I absolutely love the color and the artsyle you chose CX I'll keep in touch and you should add me on Xbox (I am Num Numz) and we can suck at Warzone together :D
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Anonymous6: I'm anonymous 4, and my spartan is an high level one, now i don't remember exactly but i passed the 100! That helmet is not really rare, but i like it because it looks really badass, it looks like my spartan is angry!
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous5: probably cuz my rendering is shit and the vigilant paintjob is weird XD

@SPNKRLover: *'v'*

@I_am_Num_Numz: Ah, that's good to hear :'D Thank you, and I'll add you now~

@Anonymous6: Ah, coolcool! Well, I never really knew why it was such a popular helmet, but I do now :') Regarding the image, you'd like it to be a back view?
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Anonymous7(6): Yes, the spartan taking it from behind with the helmet on and with a back view will be awesome, because i love the halo 5 female spartans butt *-*
Similar to this one, but not totally naked! :D
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous7(6): Hahaha, coolcool! Can do XD Sorry to keep poking, but when you say not totally naked, do you just mean with a helmet? Or would you like bits of the armour/undersuit there as well? I can draw undersuit booty, or them in any state of undress ^^
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Anonymous8: You choose how much armor, i like how you did this and the previous ones! I just want the helmet on ^^
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous8: coolcool, can do =)
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Anonymous9: Happy to hear that! Now i just have to wait v.v
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous9: ^^
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Anonymous10: please make an orange gungnir spartan doing doggie style with a white w/ pink e.v.a. with a pink visor.
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Anonymous11: Could you please do my Spartan fucking the shit out of palmer (with helmet on ) and here is the link
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous10: Yo those are some nice colour/armour choices !! I'll see what I can do :D
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QWERTYas1: @Anonymous11: Oop! Sorry, missed your comment for some reason; I think I can do that! SOunds like this might be some kind of stress release thing? XD

We're Not Out Of This Yet
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Anonymous12: Can we get a guy in warrior helmet banging a random spartan ?

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