Sypoth: Yeah, remember crash failed so bad they don't make games with him in it any more but they still make Sonic even though the current incarnation sucks ass with it's pointless manager e of personality less and lame characters. This is an older character with an actual personality and not some stupid power sets like shadow, sivler, and blaze.
Jack_Bandicoot: who said that Crash is off the videogame market? Think what you say,first of all Sonic Unleashed is SHIT,because the Weresonic is a fucking ripoff of Crash of the Titans.Besides,Crash Mind over Mutant is coming,so...who said that Crash is over? And I don't care if Sonic is older than Crash,Sonic in sales was beaten by Gran Turismo,and in 15 years Sonic couldn't still reach the 50 million of copies sold,while Crash is now with 40,and it has reached fame faster than that blue blur.
Negative_Man: There continues a problem: I have NEVER been able to download a pic with Crash or Coco or the freaks he screws around with. There's something really wrong with EVERY pic that has them. Paheal has navigation problems, but this is really serious !
Jack_Bandicoot: LOL at Negative man...please be more specific? you can't download those pics because of technical problems? Or it happens that to you because there NO Crash x Coco incest? Not at SonicSucka,discovered that you're a SONICFREAK LOL,tell me to STFU,but you must GTFO the INTERNETZ,because Sonicfreaks are the worst people in the whole world...Third,if you want more pics of those buy the CD at TJA(Same place to buy Pal CDs) because DBfC Furry is a Valeria Kyrie CD,and can't be found either in BitTorrent nor at Ares or eMule.
SonicSucka: lol wut?
I was just telling you to stop fucking rants, and to look and possibly fap to the image above, that makes me a sonicfreak?, or the fact that sonic it's in my nickname?
Anonymous5: I agree with Jack Bandicoot...there MUST be a rant against Crash yiff,because most of it is gay,and that's too bad for the eyes of a troll...
And SonicSucka,STFU,I guess you don't want rants because you can't think of one right now...
Anonymous6: Stop the rants people and fap to the hot picture! I happen to be a Crash Bandicoot fan, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying a jiggly 34!
look up, there is a hot as hell image, nobody wants that shit here, this is a fucking porn site.
btw sauce anyone?
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I was just telling you to stop fucking rants, and to look and possibly fap to the image above, that makes me a sonicfreak?, or the fact that sonic it's in my nickname?
And SonicSucka,STFU,I guess you don't want rants because you can't think of one right now...
And I like butts too.
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And Crash and Sonic both suck.
In the other side, I'm not into furries thing, but that picture is hawt.
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