d-feather: "Wow..." Leni said in awe of Lori's...ahem..."enhancements". "When did you get those?"
"Don't you know by now Lisa's to blame for this?" Lori responded angrily. "Seriously, if I see one more gigantic dick, balls and-or breasts on someone who doesn't have them by default, I will literally rip that egghead in half with this thing by shoving it down her throat and watch it come out the other end."
Anonymous2: Lori responded angrily. "Seriously, if I see one more gigantic dick, balls and-or breasts on someone who doesn't have them by default, I will literally rip that egghead in half with this thing by shoving it down her throat and watch it come out the other end....that would be a good idea to make that one
- Reply
"Don't you know by now Lisa's to blame for this?" Lori responded angrily. "Seriously, if I see one more gigantic dick, balls and-or breasts on someone who doesn't have them by default, I will literally rip that egghead in half with this thing by shoving it down her throat and watch it come out the other end."