Anonymous2: Why did they never release anything from Star Command but the initial episode on home video?
For that matter, Disney is hella stingy with putting out full sets of their TV animation, and it pisses me right off. Fucktons of Hannah this and Jonas that, Raven this and Suite Life that, but not a sausage for their nearly 20+ years of really clever cartoons.
I want to hear more Nicole Sullivan and Patrick Warburton, damn it all!
For that matter, Disney is hella stingy with putting out full sets of their TV animation, and it pisses me right off. Fucktons of Hannah this and Jonas that, Raven this and Suite Life that, but not a sausage for their nearly 20+ years of really clever cartoons.
I want to hear more Nicole Sullivan and Patrick Warburton, damn it all!
(/late night rant)