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TagsLucario, Porkyman, scappo
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Info665x932 // 335KB // jpg
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sexy_evil: this is what happens in a family of lucario. if your the dominate male, everyone sucks your cock. if your the weakling, you suck everyone's cock
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Sen: In Soviet Russia cock suck you!
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Jeb: I had an aneurism from all the stupid contained in evils post.
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Gogeta69z: is iv's a typo of bj's?
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Anonymous1: it's a Porkyman stats thing
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Anonymous2: IV's are what make two of the same Porkyman have differing stats. This Lucario is making an observation on the dick-sucking Lucario's unbeneficial nature, but mentions that his IV's are good. Ideally, you want both good beneficial nature, like if you want a higher attack go adamant, and a good IV that further strengthens your attack value.
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roy24x: gigity gigity,gigity goo. =3
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MolesterOfPokemans: Not this old fossil again.
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Mairouzu: On what N0Lif3 said, if anyone wonders what IVs/EVs are, just go on Bulbapedia and look it up or something :\

But yeah, i lol'd at this picture, because i understood the joke...Does that make me a Pokénerd? ;D
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Anonymous3: Both of them looks weird, but i guess the artist`s is doing this their own way :S
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combo_breaker: N0Lif3, I hope you know that comment is too long for any 4chaner to understand. and also, I reject your realety and substitute my own.
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Lucariofurrylovr: the tail is supposed to be blue
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Lucariofurrylovr: still good but messed up on the tail
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Ort: uhhh, his IVs? they dont help if its gay, or a bj for that matter...
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MolesterOfPokemans: HOLY SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT!
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Lucariofurrylovr: is that a leash or somethin' across his leg?
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Mach3BitchSlap: No he's just pulling some licorice out of his ass.
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Lucariofurrylovr: Man this is like the third time i've fabbed over this
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Lucariofurrylovr: don't ask why, i just love Lucario pics
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MolesterOfPokemans: You fabbed to this?
Are you a drag queen?
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FurFag: Fab? As in fabulous?
The fuck?
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Anonymous4: IV? MOAR LIKE HIV :P
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Lucariofurrylovr: oops
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Lucariofurrylovr: ya ima total noob with these sexual terms
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LucarioMolestr: i ment fap
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LucarioMolestr: er...u meant fap
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Anonymous5: What I talk about is IV because I do not know the meaning of GTA "IV"
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Anonymous6: There I was starting to think that its pretty hot until I saw that Lucario's remark pointing out that the other one is also a male.. -_-
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Anonymous7: fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
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Anonymous8: ivs?
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Anonymous9: Who cares that, Gomenasai? This is hot stuff with males.. ;)
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Anonymous10: Actualy that's a female lucario look at her skin tone
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Anonymous11: Doesn't matter, have IVs.
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Anonymous12(11): @Anon9 Yes, he's a female. Author clearly states it's a male.
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LuckyLucario69: I dont feel a thing down there wver dince he decided to bite my dick!

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