Anonymous2: thats not from warhammer 40000! the gun at her side is just a simple rifle and not a lasgun and she is not wearing the korp´s gasmask.
Cool pic, but not WH40k
Anonymous3: some IG regiments use non-standard equipment from time to time, see Vostroyans. I don't really like this pic, but denying it being 40k is silly.
Anonymous4: Pic is definetly 40K, chances are the gun is an autogun, which some regiments do use, and seeing as Krieg is kinda run down from all the wars, resorting to autoguns wouldn't be a surprise
Sean_Connery_the_Dark_Knight: Everyone knows that Death Korps don't have time to sleep, their schedules are completely booked with dying on the front lines!:)
Anonymous11(9): K guys I like how stupid people must be taught how not to be stupid but two things, 1 STOP DISSCUSING PORN, secondly did anyone read Love and Krieg, its a WH40K fanfiction
Cool pic, but not WH40k
this pic was originally drawn as death korps, lurk /tg/ moar
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