Anonymous2: I Like This! A LOT!! Maybe there should be a"Hot Meg!", tag, since, I believe that this is a recognized character, in the Family Guy Universe. Anyone?!? And, Brian's the only one in TWO universes, even TRYING, to hit this, even if she's still, a little thick around the middle!
Anonymous3: - After their forced "Prom Date", Brian treats Meg to the traditional fuck fest afterwards in the back of rented moving limo. And shows her what doing real sex is all about. And makes her cum.
- Now she has him sleeping as a guard dog at the foot of her bed, feigning night sleep paranoia,(Boogyman). Somehow in the morning the covers are always tangled between them when Lois comes in to wake her half naked daughter up.
Anonymous4: [Hot meg]: "WOW brian" this is fucking "AMAZING", so in your universe women are allowed to fuck dogs!! we're not allowed to in mine! [Brian]: err yeah yeah!! We're allowed to, heh heh!!
- Now she has him sleeping as a guard dog at the foot of her bed, feigning night sleep paranoia,(Boogyman). Somehow in the morning the covers are always tangled between them when Lois comes in to wake her half naked daughter up.