shotyourdog: Okay fuck you assholes, I'm going to stop posting this stuff. If you want new furronika art just get on the mailing list.. oh what's that? You can't?
Fortunately there are about 7000 pages of crudely drawn anime garbage for you to jerk off to, so I have a feeling you'll be juuuuust fine. Enjoy, dipshits. Adios
Hellstroem: Shotyourdog: Breathe, relax, ignore the philistines who are unable to appreciate proper craftsmanship.
Furronika is amazingly good, his anatomy is spot on, his linework is fast yet precise (I assume he's a he, but who knows?). There is a feel of the modern Franco/Belgo school of doing comics to his style.
However, no matter how good he is, it's still frighteningly uncanny to see those anatomically correct bodies with chinless cartoon heads attached. I'd love to see something other than the futurama stuff. I'd love to see his non-porn works too, alas, his identity is a secret.
Anonymous8: there are some examples of the non futurama stuff right here on this board. this for example-
I heard he artist worked at disney. Probably spends his/her days churning out clip art for kid's coloring books and DVD covers
DerFaggot: Gee, thank you for blessing us with this guy's poor back anatomy, and somehow making Zoidburg's face look even more terrible than it actually was.
DerFaggot: Also, on the point of this dude being a "great artist", I'm going to say something, based off of the example of the example that was posted of his non-Futurama works.
Terrible back-shoulder blades are a huge problem that happen a lot.
When not copying cartoon heads, the heads come out fucked up, with disproportional jaws, skulls, and other such crap.
And of course, the fact he has meaty thighed, boobed, and assed chicks with their ribs visible.
DerFaggot: I'm not claiming to be a great artist. I know I'm not. But I happen to know a bit about anatomy.
But people trying to say he's "good" with his chinless monsters is.. amusing.
Anonymous15(14): Ah the catch cry of the frustrated internet loser, "I happen to know a bit about-" insert topic said loser obviously knows nothing about.
Post a link to your own shitty amateur work and let us see how much you really know. That or shut up.
Anonymous16: Oh JESUS CHRIST, I just clicked on some of "Derfaggot"s uploads, some of those are your work?? YOU CAN'T FUCKING DRAW AT ALL, ASSHOLE and you're bitching about ANYONE else's art, let alone Furronika's?
See, this is why we have the internet, without it we wouldn't even know of the existence of such utterly clueless and un-self aware losers
DerFaggot: "I'm not claiming to be a great artist. I know I'm not."
I dunno, I used to to hang around the At Critique boards on 4chan a lot, and in fact, could probably point out even more flaws in Furronika's "art".
For one, he goes for realistic, toned bodies. My own stuff is anime-based. And as I already stated, I am quite self-aware. But I'm willing to bet Furronika has spent a lot more time drawing, and has actually taken art classes, as opposed to me.
It doesn't take a master painter to realize a piece of art sucks.
iammok: Your mommas never taught some of you folks very well, did she?
This is a prime case of "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
If you don't like it simply leave, don't look, don't click on the thumbnails and see all those details that you find so horrible and leave the rest of us to enjoy what we choose. The constant tirade of negative feedback is driving away the people who will post this artist's work for those of us who'd like to see it. There's no need to post a bunch of negative comments as it's not the artist posting the items and unlikely that the artist will see them anyway. There's nothing constructive to it.
I know, you'll say that you're just expressing your right to free speech but you're forgetting that courtesy should come into play as well. Free speech would allow you to shout "FIRE" in a packed theater, courtesy says it's not a good thing to do. Try applying a little courtesy.
iammok: Even Derfaggot admits his art isn't top notch so there's not much of a target there.
I was thinking more like sniffing out a few of the more negative criers favorite works and dropping a few bombs on them but it turns out they simply and generally don't say anything positive about anything. It's a bit of an eye opener to realize that there are people out there who really do have nothing better to do than crap on everyone else's parade. I know they're not in the majority but they often sound like it.
Anonymous20: Decrying someone's insipid opinionated comments (invalid is they may be) on the internet is about as pointless as making insipid opinionated comments on the internet in the firstplace.
Anonymous21: Furronika's problem is, is that he knows how to draw people, and damn is he eager to render every muscle and tendon. The dude's at his best when he knows when to draw less, not more.
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Fortunately there are about 7000 pages of crudely drawn anime garbage for you to jerk off to, so I have a feeling you'll be juuuuust fine. Enjoy, dipshits. Adios
Furronika is amazingly good, his anatomy is spot on, his linework is fast yet precise (I assume he's a he, but who knows?). There is a feel of the modern Franco/Belgo school of doing comics to his style.
However, no matter how good he is, it's still frighteningly uncanny to see those anatomically correct bodies with chinless cartoon heads attached. I'd love to see something other than the futurama stuff. I'd love to see his non-porn works too, alas, his identity is a secret.
tl;dr Furronika knows arts. Taste differs.
I heard he artist worked at disney. Probably spends his/her days churning out clip art for kid's coloring books and DVD covers
Terrible back-shoulder blades are a huge problem that happen a lot.
When not copying cartoon heads, the heads come out fucked up, with disproportional jaws, skulls, and other such crap.
And of course, the fact he has meaty thighed, boobed, and assed chicks with their ribs visible.
But people trying to say he's "good" with his chinless monsters is.. amusing.
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Post a link to your own shitty amateur work and let us see how much you really know. That or shut up.
See, this is why we have the internet, without it we wouldn't even know of the existence of such utterly clueless and un-self aware losers
I dunno, I used to to hang around the At Critique boards on 4chan a lot, and in fact, could probably point out even more flaws in Furronika's "art".
For one, he goes for realistic, toned bodies. My own stuff is anime-based. And as I already stated, I am quite self-aware. But I'm willing to bet Furronika has spent a lot more time drawing, and has actually taken art classes, as opposed to me.
It doesn't take a master painter to realize a piece of art sucks.
Do you really think all who don't like Furronika's arts, or think what he draws looks freaky, are artists? Or even great ones?
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This is a prime case of "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
If you don't like it simply leave, don't look, don't click on the thumbnails and see all those details that you find so horrible and leave the rest of us to enjoy what we choose. The constant tirade of negative feedback is driving away the people who will post this artist's work for those of us who'd like to see it. There's no need to post a bunch of negative comments as it's not the artist posting the items and unlikely that the artist will see them anyway. There's nothing constructive to it.
I know, you'll say that you're just expressing your right to free speech but you're forgetting that courtesy should come into play as well. Free speech would allow you to shout "FIRE" in a packed theater, courtesy says it's not a good thing to do. Try applying a little courtesy.
Or maybe, we'll try a few counter examples. :-)
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I was thinking more like sniffing out a few of the more negative criers favorite works and dropping a few bombs on them but it turns out they simply and generally don't say anything positive about anything. It's a bit of an eye opener to realize that there are people out there who really do have nothing better to do than crap on everyone else's parade. I know they're not in the majority but they often sound like it.
Furronika rules!
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