O_Rly: No she's not. Like I mentioned previously, the cosplay is bad, and the fuku is all fucked up. At the very most the gem on her "tiara" is red, and her heels don't have anklets. The set even titles her as being Mars.
SailorPuu: She has Venus's orange skirt, her bow colours and her gloves. The heels may be wrong but other than that it all points to her being Venus and it's far from the first time a cosplayer has worn the wrong senshi's shoes.
O_Rly: Lol you're giving whoever made the costume waaay too much credit. First of all, if you think the colors are that much to go by, take a look at this: >>1099962 Moon's choker isn't blue, now is it? The others are just as bad. They literally chose Asa to be Mars because she's Asian and has black hair. If she were supposed to be Venus she'd at least be wearing a bow, or they'd have picked a caucasian porn star and thrown a shitty blonde wig on her.
O_Rly: Also last I checked Venus doesn't have a star wand. Whoever made the costumes clearly didn't know jack about Sailor Moon and decided to just wing it.
Farfegnugen: Sounds like Puu is color blind or something's going on. Her skirt is red.
The porno this is from didn't have a Venus and (very sadly) a Jupiter. The other two ladies, Moon and Mercury, had to wear neon wigs, so Asa was the hottest of the three.
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Moon's choker isn't blue, now is it? The others are just as bad. They literally chose Asa to be Mars because she's Asian and has black hair. If she were supposed to be Venus she'd at least be wearing a bow, or they'd have picked a caucasian porn star and thrown a shitty blonde wig on her.
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Asa is Mars, just a poorly-represented one.
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Those are flames around her, not hearts.
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The porno this is from didn't have a Venus and (very sadly) a Jupiter. The other two ladies, Moon and Mercury, had to wear neon wigs, so Asa was the hottest of the three.