Anonymous7: could somebody please tell the furfags that the idea of having someone over for dinner and then eating them is old, unfunny, and not the least bit clever anymore?
Anonymous17: Hey Anon 10, there's no humans in that pic. The one speaking is a dragon. I should know, I requested this picture, and it's hilarious watching you guys go apeshit over it.
uncooked please.
i find it more enjoyable.
- Reply
*looks at palms* HOLY SHIT! IT'S EVERYWHERE!!!
I wanna fuck that fox :) k thanks bai
Look up "VORE"
then let me have Krystals sweet ass... and toes.
would you hold her still while I inflate her?
Hand me the hose.
Seriously. Why am I the first one to reference Silence of the Lambs?
And I'm gonna give Fox a 1-UP. Krystal can be fried if want.