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TagsBratz, DK, Meygan
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Anonymous1: this artist has no idea how women pee
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LadyStardust: Am I the only one who finds "Bratz" dolls offensive to women?
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Rat: there was a stupid fat attractive and successful African bitch on Dr. Phil the other day that thought they were offensive, I think she was religious too, so there's at least one other nutty nutter out there that has the wrong opinion about Bratz, it's not just you
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LadyStardust: All I'm saying is that Bratz dolls support the whole "shop shop shop boys boys boys" thing like Barbie does, but puts this whole "ghetto" spin on it. We don't need a bunch of little girls acting like spoiled preppy ghetto bitches.
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xtang: you need to know that bratz hentai is better than the real dolls
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Rat: Could that be because dolls suck shit from a moldy tube, perhaps?

Action figures is where the true awesome's at! o3o
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xtang: yes i hate those things i only like the bodys
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Mudkip: Hmm, maybe I SHOULDN'T have searched for bratz :(
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Anonymous2: It looks like Kathy Griffin!
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Anonymous3: ew.
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Tater-Tot-Kaite: Sparkly pee is sparkly.
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Maybe-Tobi: "Hmm.. Let me just, enlarge my nipples till they look like pizza...Twist my leg around.. And then pee riigghttt here."
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Anonymous4: ^LOL!! that made it so much better...

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