evilpika: Why do people keep drawing them as a couple? And why do people draw Snape naked at all? I can understand wanting to draw porn of your favorite series, but why hideous people who hate each other?
Anonymous5: Alan Rickman Snape is fairly hot and the books are told from Harry's point of view. Of course he's going to say Snape is hideously ugly. However, we don't always fall in love with people who are perfectly beautiful. I like the idea that someone who may not have it in the looks department can still attract a very handsome lover simply because the force of their heart. Now you might say that Snape's soul is ugly, but Snape loved harder and longer than anybody else did in that series. He loved Lily entirely to his death. Think of how much Harry was like Lily in so many ways. If Snape had gotten to know Lily, I think he could've loved Harry just as he loved Lily. Now why would Harry love Snape? An older, unnattractive person? As you get older, you realize that looks fade, but devotion and kindness rarely do. I would love to have a partner who would be so devoted to me that he would protect for my children after my death, even if they were offspring I produced with another man. Snape gave his life for a boy who was the son of his most hated enemy simply because he was also the daughter of his loved one, even though she rejected him for Snape's enemy. That's devotion, that's love.
Anonymous6(5): Plus... I like to write them together because of all the passion together. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy. Harry and Snape have so much burning hatred that can easily be turned into hot, hot passion.
Snivellus: I personally think no matter what Snape looks like, no matter how people draw him, as long as it follows the description of what he looked like I find him hot. I have yet to find a hideous picture of him.
Anonymous11: Anyone who says snape is ugly... have you heard his voice?!?! (alan rickmans) Close your eyes if you must, but his voice is sex on a stick -- and I'd lick it all day!
Anonymous12: I do not like Alan's look. Well not true. I don't find him sexy. But his voice, oh shit that's another story unto itself. But Snape is a hot bastard anyway.
Anonymous14: i find this so fucking arousing in so many ways, holy fuck my dick is so hard im levitating off of the ground i love this drawing so much im exploding. i want this art tattooed onto my eyelids so everytime i close my fucking eyes i see snape jacking off harry omg
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Highly relevant to the ongoing melodrama and entertaining, too.