Anonymous2: I thought he or she had died when, acquiring true free thought -and a conscience- Mecha Sonic got buried in lava saving Sonic's life. MechaSonic had been fighting him to the death moments earlier when his advice to grow BEYOND his programming hit home. - Guess Who ??
Jonny5NeedInput: Do you honestly believe that Doctor Robotnik would not make a female version of all his robots? He must get lonely trying to thwart a God damn rodent.
Anonymous16: anon2 you are wrong. the one you speak of was the "hyper metal sonic" mecha sonic is sonic himself robiticized there is also silversonic(sonic 2 game) silversonic2(sonic comic) metal(from sonic R on) metal sonic(sonic CD) NEO metal sonic(not made by eggman sonic heros/comics) aluminum sonic (sonic comics off panel) and nanometal sonic(can be considered the one in heros, however this one is made of 100% nanites and is in the sonic comic) so... who's this? my vote is for "metal"
Anonymous17: @anon16 She's not any actual Metal version of Sonic, she's a separate character herself. But yes you are correct in thinking she'd be the Metal Sonic, that's the design she's completely based off of.
- Reply
it could be a trap :O
That would break the disc drive.
-Admiral Ackbar Referance...
Wait, is it Nintendo DS there? FUCK YEAH!!
but it's awwwwwwwight
Hey! I found a metal sonic in the background!
*fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *cums*