Krawczyk: spoilers: There is and never will be a Leon Belmont. Legend speaks of a traitorous Belmont whose name was stricken from record and from birth. None may use the name Leon under punishment of death
Anonymous1: @MV: CV3's Trevor is the first of the Belmonts to every slay Dracula, and it says so explicitly in the game. To make a subsequent game where the story goes "Oops, no, we lied back then. THIS is really the first." is really stupid, and IGA was right to remove CVL from the main timeline.
Anonymous3: Except that's not the reason he gave for ret-conning her out, anon1. He said, essentially, that women are meant to be sacrificed while men should be the heroes. It's out and out misogyny and there were at least two other answers he could've given (The contradiction you pointed out, plus the fact that it implies the Belmont clan is descended from the son of it's arch-nemesis.).
Fuck Igarashi, fuck all the 3D Castlevanias, and I'd like to fuck Sonia if you know what I mean (By which I mean put my penis into her and thrust until I spurt my man-mustard).
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Fuck Igarashi, fuck all the 3D Castlevanias, and I'd like to fuck Sonia if you know what I mean (By which I mean put my penis into her and thrust until I spurt my man-mustard).