Anonymous1: *sigh* The tagger's an idiot. The tags should include Lucia, Mia, Elincia, Mist, Titania, and... that one violet-haired one I think looks like Marisa from FE 8, but it could be Ilyana with her hair down....
Windaga: Well my mistake. I mass uploaded the entire comic from my PC, and didn't have time to go through and edit each tag. Maybe Anon1 could be less of a heckle and more of a use and fix the tags.
The violet haired one isn't Marisa. It's Illyana or possibly a darker shade of Micaiah. The comic is strictly Radiant Dawn characters.
Anonymous2: I'll have it double checked when my boyfriend gets home. Marisa isn't from the game the comic takes place in. I have the original comic, and it bares the title Radiant Dawn.
Anonymous3: Anonymous2: I'll have it double checked when my boyfriend gets home. Marisa isn't from the game the comic takes place in. I have the original comic, and it bares the title Radiant Dawn.
But it's Marisa, she even has the things around the upper half of her arms (and If you look other page of the doujin you'll see she has a Swordfighter-like outfit)
Anonymous16: In case it hasn't been settled yet, it's clearly Marisa when you see some of the other images from this set:
Anonymous18: You fucking morons. If you read the Sacred Stones Crimson Comic these panels with the violet-haired one (Marisa) are present, it's MARISA. It was colored and for some reason added to the Radiant Dawn comic. Does that make sense? NO. It is Marisa? YES.
Anonymous19: All anons that say its Marisa are right. I currently playing that one and berton is a fucking retard. Get a brain douchepickle. If your going to think your a FE badass then dont say retarded untrue facts. Thank you all.
FE Kid.
Fandom. It's serious business.
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The violet haired one isn't Marisa. It's Illyana or possibly a darker shade of Micaiah. The comic is strictly Radiant Dawn characters.
Having said that... I'll be in my bunk
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But it's Marisa, she even has the things around the upper half of her arms (and If you look other page of the doujin you'll see she has a Swordfighter-like outfit)
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Long haired Lucia
Short haired Lucia
Who gives a shit what length it is as long as there's jizz in it? Put that mouth to good use!
You should be the one to play more because it's clearly Marisa.
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It's the third one, duh.
FE Kid.