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TagsCD, cassette, compact_disc, featured_image, inanimate, music, som, tape
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Anonymous1: RRRRREMIX!
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Calantha: I strongly approve of this message.
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Anonymous2: Som: Why are you made of so much win and lulz?
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sadoul: Wowwie yowwie.
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wutmaster: The CD is getting pwned. That's just not right.
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Calantha: On the contrary, it's very right.

My walkman has survived longer than any of those fancy-schmancy CD players.
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Anonymous3: This needs a feature!
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Cat_Bountry: What, no iPod?
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wutmaster: Digital >> analogue. Prove me wrong.
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Calantha: The iPod was disqualified several rounds ago for sucking too much.
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nebula: analogue = infinite precision, susceptible to noise. digital = limited precision sampled at regular intervals, immune to noise T___T
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Incognitymous: Given the positions in this conflict, is the CD being anally raped or is it giving some strange form of reverse blowjob that goes in from the back of the mouth and out the front?
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Calantha: I think that's left up to individual interpretation, but I think it's a little of both.

Since you mentioned that, though, I am reminded of Conker's Bad Fur Day and the Cogs. I actually wondered about that same thing when I played it.
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Jeb: 34 mixtape wins
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agent509: feature this, right now
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therapist: The head looks like pacman.
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Danzaiver: Why was I surprised to see this? This is deserving of featureage on concept alone.
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Anonymous4: Cassettes always have sucked. Please don't use them as a representation of good analog technology, even if it's just for lulz. It's thanks to people going 'lol tapez mirite' that the cost of reels have shot up to three hundred dollars apiece. Analog is superior and I can guarantee your favorite albums, if released on a major label, exist somewhere on master tapes. No exceptions. Tape is EVERYWHERE and always will be.

Oh, and tape doesn't corrupt or become 'unsupported'. If you know how to handle and store it, that shit's gonna last for decades. And digital source recordings made twenty-five years ago? Don't make me laugh. Worthless zeroes and ones locked forever into their obsolete formats, whereas any geek with an electromagnet can play back tape.
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Anonymous5: ANON 4 you win. no exceptions.
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som: I dunno, I kinda like cassettes myself. You're right about everything else.
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Suzienymph: Home taping is killing music!
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warrior: http://www.British Broadcasting

Featured because the guy who invented the CD died. Maybe he got too scratched over the years.
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Anonymous6: If he died why not have a picture of him? 34 always does that like the lizzy taylor feature.
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Anonymous7(6): Lesbian strapon hehehehe
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Krawczyk: I tol you attractive and successful Africans many times over, that CD repair kit goo cleans both CD and DVD! Git on the ball!
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Anonymous8: so much porn traded on cd's may heavens hands rest his soul a peaceful embrace.
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warrior: Easter is over. Re-Feature.
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pollardy: how did the tip get through her hole D:
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imaajfpstnfo: I'm glad he doesn't have to live to experience the horribly mutated japanese zombies starting to attack the rest of the world on the 21. of December 2012
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HAMBURGERS: CD's alway's get damage, in sun light (heat) scratched, finger prints, bent, tossed around, fucked, I'd say cassettes last longer.
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KingG: The 80's: Some people just can't let go
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MrAnon: What about Vinyl? The old records?
Foo Fighters got an album on one now.

BTW: I got an old NES that still works! Old ways make things tough man!
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DJR_1989: Go on, Audio Tape, fuck that CD in its hole!
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Sodomius: Yeah, I'm totally pro Vinyl!

And this is awesome, much luls were had.
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Anonymous9: for music Vinyl is better.
For video, Betamax is better.

Analog is alot better than digital.
You don't see movie theatres playing movies out of a blu-ray.
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Anonymous10: Dude. Digital. Easily.

It's infinitely faster to work with. You can cut, copy, paste wherever you like without having to literally scotch a piece of tape together. You can automate everything you like without 10 guys moving sliders around. It costs 100 times less.

Analog synths are expensive, break easily, and generally suck.

The sampling rate and bit depth of the CD just happens to cover everything you'll ever hear. Also vinyl is waaaaaay overrated.
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Anonymous11: "and tape doesn't corrupt"

Anon4, sorry, but what the hell? The magnetization on the tape DOES degrade, and lets not talk about how the materials in the tapes will respond to aging in the oddest ways imaginable. At my job we had to dispose a couple of boxes of old AGFA tapes because the black coating was turning to dust, which would accumulate on the recorder's heads.
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Anonymous12: Somewhere in our garage we have an old Atari 2600 with an attachment that uses tapes as the game storage medium. I might have to pull it out and see if it works with CDs.
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MrAnon: Let's just get this to our agreement.

All of the internet is basicly digital. The porn, music, news, media. Digital.
Analog, forced you to go out and buy stuff.

THEREFORE. Digital is a whore, analog is a dick, pic makes sense. GET IT?
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Anonymous13: Where is my CD!?!?!?
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Anonymous14: Not pictured: A vinyl record raping them both.
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Anonymous15: There are many factors in determining the quality of a musical format. Condition is practically the most important. Vinyl is generally agreed to sound better but a dirty and scratchy 45 is gonna sound like shit compared to a remastered CD. Likewise, a near-mint vinyl record will sound perfect compared to a scratched CD. Personally, I'll take any format that sounds great and is in good condition, though I tend to prefer tape formats (8-tracks and cassettes) and vinyl. You should see my collection.
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BPQ00X: The final battle for GREAT JUSTICE!
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beefalo: Here comes the tapist!
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Anonymous16: Quality and digital formats becoming "unsupported" aside. I prefer i-pods for their convenience. Yeah, analog sounds better and everything, but i'd rather go about my day with a tiny sliver filled with hundreds of songs in my pocket, rather than have a cassette player. Reason? space, weight, and amount of songs held, simple. Also CD players were a headache, skipping at the slightest bump, and cd's becoming trash after a few scratches? useless imho. And at least when an i-pod or other mp3 device becomes corrupted, you can normally reformat the damn thing and problem solved, just re-add the tunes and be on your way. Anyone who complains about having to add the songs to a reformatted device is either completely computer stupid, lazy, or won't organize their files.
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loverofperfectfeet: 2 cents here
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Anonymous17: They're both obsolete technologies, just sayin'
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Anonymous18: This means fuck the music business free music.
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Anonymous19: I want Garfield Cat! :(
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soheifox: Anon12: You had a Starpath supercharger? You can get a fair penny for that on Ebay.
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Anonymous20(18): No more of Garfield pussy.
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Anonymous21: MOAR SAPHIRA!!!!!
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Anonymous22: @misternonymous:

oh snap, oh snap. come to my macaroni party and we'll take a nap
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taith: durr tape is also digital, vinyl is analogue, and only old vinyl
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Anonymous23: Don't care what anyone says.
Betamax is the shit!
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Anonymous24: Fuck all of you, LaserDisc FTW
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dlt: Go, '80s mixtape! I root for you!
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ThatsAkoolStoryBro: let this be our battlefield.
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Bowzer: Digital.
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MrAnon: But... ain't a laser disc STILL a disc? Therefor it's digital.

Meaning it's still a whore who's gonna get fucked.
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JTalbain: OH GOD.
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Anonymous25: the fuck?
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Anonymous26: Yo, who can tell me who the counters are on the homepage? The ones holding the signs?
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Anonymous27(26): Yo, who are the girls on the counters on the homepage? The cat girls ones.
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Anonymous28: What catagory do computers fall under? You can store almost infinit songs on just one and the quality of them is much higher than either a CD or a tape.
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Anonymous29(11): MrAnon, Laser Discs are odd beasts, as they technically are analog.
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Yttrium: Manual. /thread
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Anonymous30: music is for asshole
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Anonymous31: ^^ Great, tell it to some1 who gives a shit.
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Anonymous32: I'm a huge asshole!

MP3 all the way
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Anonymous33: HOW IT GOES!

Viynl > CD > Cassete
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Anonymous34: Needs MOAR DRM
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Anonymous35: TEAM DIGITAL FTW!
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derelict: follow-up: cassette gets pegged by vinyl
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Anonymous36: I still prefer the old record player myself.
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Anonymous37(36): What are you like 120 years old?
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Asmodeus: Three Words: Straight-Through-Processing :D
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Anonymous38: @anon4:
Good luck carrying around 800 casettes at a time. dumbass. Any iPod, Or heck, Even a regular fucking mp3 player pwns your ugly ass box of stanky shit in to oblivion by a force of magnitude. Choke on a pickled turd.
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tyciol: If digital is a whore, it looks like whoring is the thing to do and be.
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Anonymous39: now DVD vs. Blue Ray!
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Anonymous40: this is logically incorrect - on a CD place there should be a vinyl
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Anonymous41: I fancy stone etching. Very hard to break. It's a wee bit heavy on the back, though.
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TheCastleman: I prefer digital!
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TheCastleman: No in all seriousness, I think people would not to have digital music, without it we couldn't take our music with us (for the most part).
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TheCastleman: ^hate not to have
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duckpenisexpert: Everything sucks. So why don't we break it all and go back to humming around the goddamn fire?! >__<
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Raiden_Snake: I'm not sure if I'm looking at porn or some kind of vulgar social commentary. In my humble opinion, both formats will be around for a very long time because of how easy and cost-effective they are.
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Anonymous42: Hi, I'm new to this site. What the fuck is going on?
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Anonymous43: *how to bold font, plox?*

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