Anonymous5: I, too, have a very poorly designed disk. It's a LP of the sound track story of Star Wars (1st film). It's a picture disk with Darth Vader on side 2. When it's on the turntable, its center peg is just where Vader's crotch is !
The same juxtaposition occurs on a picturedisk LP of the first 4 episodes of the Superman radio show. Superman is on side 1 bursting some chains with his typical ease. The center peg of the turntable -well, you already know ! - Negative Man
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The same juxtaposition occurs on a picturedisk LP of the first 4 episodes of the Superman radio show. Superman is on side 1 bursting some chains with his typical ease. The center peg of the turntable -well, you already know ! - Negative Man
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