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som: Hellstroem's Layla is superior.
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Deadpool: holy shit Fluffy does Marvel 34, he should totally draw me pwnin this chick while singin a Beatles classic while on fire
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Leonidas: Deadpool, would that also include having just jumped from either a skyscraper or a helicopter/airplane?
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Deadpool: ^FUCK YEAH, and punching a manatee in the face with a tattoo of WEEGEE on mah ass o_0
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Leonidas: I would honestly commission Fluffy to draw this Deapool/Layla pic.
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Stormfin: ..What the fuck? Where did the last page and a half of Fluffy go?
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craggle: not sure what you mean stormfin
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Stormfin: Nevermind. I thought the first page and an image of Fluffy's stuff was erased. Turns out I went straight to the second page by accident. My bad.
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Anonymous1: Deadpool, which ass-cheek is the WEEGEE on? Also, would you be on fire as a result of jumping from the exploding helicopter, or have something else set you ablaze once you land?