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TagsAeris, Leo, Orange_Box, VG_Cats, webcomic
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Info692x1448 // 221KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Well, it is better than the actual comic.
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RocketLawnchair: I lol'd
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Anonymous2: Is this a fanart?
I scared.
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Anonymous3: phunney
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Anonymous4: He's running with his pants down. Laff
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Anonymous5(4): Aeris sez: Come back! I just want to 'FUCK' you!
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Anonymous6: I'd drink from that teapot.
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Anonymous7: motion blur!
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HamSandwich: Scott should just retire and let this guy take over.
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Anonymous8(6): ^Or he could just draw more Leo cock
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Anonymous9: This is more better then the comic...probably updates regularly too.
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Anonymous10(6): Aeris sez: "WHERE ARE MY FUCKING SHOES?!"
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Anonymous11: attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African
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Anonymous12: attractive and successful African stole mah shooze!
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Cat_Bountry: SPOILERS: LEO IS an attractive and successful African.
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geomease: Oh, Dear, Lord. So F#@$ing win. God Bless you orange box!
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Anonymous13: GET BACK HERE attractive and successful African!
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Anonymous14: There's Something About Aeris.
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Gremrat: Best masturbation song ever.
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Anonymous16: I could see Leo doing that.
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Jeb: ...what?
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Anonymous17: GET BACK HERE YOU... YOU... DOUBLE attractive and successful African!
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Anonymous18: It truly is better than the actual comic.
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Anonymous19: attractive and successful African
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Anonymous20: silly aeris, leo's penis is to small for him to be an attractive and successful African
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Anonymous21: moar liek double attractive and successful African, mirite?
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Deadpool: RUCKUS ON 'ROIDZ o_0
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ZeroXDash: Grab your pants before you trip over 'em man!
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Fax: rofl
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Anonymous22: fugyou anon23
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Anonymous23: Comedy not porn!!
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ZeroXDash: Comedy AND porn!!

The heart and soul of 34.
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Anonymous24: Hey warrior, can you IPban that anon, pl0x?
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Anonymous25: I could see Leo doing this.
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Anonymous26: pure win.
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Anonymous27: PERMABAN ANONS 23/26.

Also, this is hawt.
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Anonymous28(27): PERMABAN ANONS 23/26.

Also, this is hot.
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Anonymous29: attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African
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Coelacanth: This is really funny XD
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Anonymous30: FEATURE THIS
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Anonymous31: Where's the original comic? Or what number is it?
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Anonymous32: When Leo falls over he will be anally molested :<
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Anonymous33: fuckin attractive and successful Africans always do it dont they
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Anonymous34: ....he has a perfect accuracy....
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Anonymous35: BOOM! Headshot!
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Anonymous36: Orange box is an awesome artist, but, focused on Aeris:

OMG, JUST LET THE POOR GUY GO, HE DID'NT KNOW YOU WERE APPROACHING THE DOOR!!! Aeris is an ASSHOLE!!! Why the fuck is aeris always so bitter, hateful, mean, and nasty towards leo? Always saying shitty things to him, like "Go get cancer please", and "go die in a fire". Beating, chasing, and yelling at him. Poor leo, he's just a kid,(or at least acts like one). If I were him, I'd move out, I'd call raheab or the looney bin or 911 or SOMETHING. Somebody needs to tell her off! I sure want to(but of course she's fictional)! She has NO REASON to be so horrible to him! She would probabley murder her own defenless baby cubs "Because their childish behavior annoys her". Fuck you Aeris! What The Fuck is your damn problem!? What could Loe have possibly done to make her hate him so much!? How can he even live with someone as awful as that!? Run away for your life! Don't be trapped in a helplessly abusive partnership or relationship, for any reason, it's not worth it! Not worth being chased and beaten, not worth her going back in time to kill you, not worth dropping toasters in your bath. RUN! And again, FUCK YOU AERIS!!! SERIOUSLY! Asshole! Bitter mean person who is unreasonably horrible to Leo! I mean COME ON! Leo is a sweet, forgiving, kind-hearted soul, and all he ever does is be nice, try to make you like him, and you just throw it in his face and tell him he's worthless! Well look at you, playing video games all day, he's even more active than you! I'll slap you in the face for being so cruel, for being so bitter, and tell you to shut the fuck up and smile, and be nice for a change! So Leo miiight be a litle mentally challenged, maybe not, but that is no reason to be so mean! Leo says one thing a little off, and you chase him with a fucking bazooka!? Well, it looks like a religion where death is the core focus is fucking perfect for you, all you want is blood (spcifically Leo's). I would never involve myself with such a ... I HAVE NO WORDS FOR HOW MUCH I HATE YOU, AERIS!!! Just FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!
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Anonymous37(36): Agreed with anon 36!

Aeris does suck!
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Anonymous38(36): anon 38 is a bitter, stuck up no good ass
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Anonymous39(36): Oh shut up, this pic is good for a laugh, but good point, Aeris DOES have problems, now that I think of it, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER!!? to Aeris: (t.\___/.t) (angry middle fingers).

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(-(—(—(—/-)--)--(--( -\—)—)—)-)
-\————\/--/—\—\/———— /
--\———— /——\-————---/
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Anonymous40(36): im anon 38; sorry i meant anon 3<strong>6</strong>
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Anonymous41(36): 36
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Anonymous42: we all know you're anon38, anon40. just like i'm anon 38 and 40 too. all anon's are the same person.
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Anonymous43: 36:

Why the fuck was he standing in front of the door masturbating, anyway? Without even locking it?...

Oh right. Its Leo we're talking about here.
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Anonymous44: This comic is the greatest. Should've have it go in her mouth since she was talking
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Anonymous45: pfft oh my god. this is AWESOME, i actually made a pissed off comment while drunk...and you guys responded to it ..,i gotta frame this epicness. this is priceless! aeris still is fucked up, though. [im anon 36]
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Anonymous46: attractive and successful African, he came
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Anonymous47: LEO WE'RE COMIN FOR YOU attractive and successful African !!!!
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Anonymous48: leo listen carefully USE A SOCK! :3
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Anonymous49: Fucking yikes
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Anonymous50: This makes me all the happier VG Cats ended and Orange Box is gone, honestly. If this is the kind of crap they were pulling, they don't deserve to be around here at all. Many people back then didn't care about how they chose to do this, and I don't like that because it does nothing but embolden people like Orange Box from pulling more crap like this. But, if anything, I just hope Orange Box ultimately learned their lesson from this.

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