The degree symbol (°, Unicode: U+00B0, HTML: °) is a typographical symbol, or glyph, that is used to represent degrees of arc (see Geographic coordinate system ) or temperature.
1°, 2°, 3°, etc., are also common abbreviations, especially in the scientific field, for primary, secondary, tertiary, and so on.
Anonymous4: This is wrong. They are fighting for the 2nd place because it's the last lap right in front of the finish line, so there will be a blue shell soon.
Anonymous19: The nasal hemorrhage is a Japanese icon symbolizing sexual excitement. Likewise, if a character has a bubble coming out of his nose, it means (s)he's asleep. -Kimmy
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The degree symbol (°, Unicode: U+00B0, HTML: °) is a typographical symbol, or glyph, that is used to represent degrees of arc (see Geographic coordinate system ) or temperature.
1°, 2°, 3°, etc., are also common abbreviations, especially in the scientific field, for primary, secondary, tertiary, and so on.
also, lol yoshi's nosebleed
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in some languages "º" is used as the english "st" "nd" "rd" "th" (but underlined) 1st=1º 2nd=2º 3rd=3º ...
o btw wats with the nose bleedings?
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As with all memes, the phrase MUST be capitalized.
(subliminal message 0_0)
anon26 wins^^